Premature Death | featured news

MIT Study: Air Pollution Linked With Early Deaths In UK

Air Pollution

Well, it's official. Air pollution sends you to an early grave in the United Kingdom. In a recent study from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at (MIT) researchers Steve Barrett and Steve Yim report that emissions from cars, trucks, planes and power plants cause 13,000 premature deaths in the United Kingdom each year.


All red meat is bad for you, new study says

Red Meat

A long-term study finds that eating any amount and any type increases the risk of premature death. Eating red meat — any amount and any type — appears to significantly increase the risk of premature death, according to a long-range study that examined the eating habits and health of more than 110,000 adults for more than 20 years.


EPA issues strong limits on mercury emissions from smokestacks

The Obama administration on Wednesday announced a tough new rule to limit emissions of mercury, arsenic and other toxic substances from sources such as power plants, a landmark measure that could prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths annually, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.


Excessive sitting linked to premature death in women

Excessive sitting linked to premature death in women

In a study, women who sat for more than six hours a day had a 37 percent increased risk of premature death, compared to 18 percent for men.


Sex, alcohol, fat among world's big killers: WHO

Sex, alcohol, fat among world's big killers: WHO

Tackling just five health factors could prevent millions of premature deaths and increase global life expectancy by almost 5 years, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.


Meat-heavy diet linked to early death

People who eat large amounts of red meat and processed meats face a greater risk of premature death from heart disease and cancer, National Cancer Institute research shows. The large study of 545,000 American men and women, ages 50 to...


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