Landmark Legislation | featured news

EPA issues strong limits on mercury emissions from smokestacks

The Obama administration on Wednesday announced a tough new rule to limit emissions of mercury, arsenic and other toxic substances from sources such as power plants, a landmark measure that could prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths annually, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.


Obama health care law losing support, poll says

As the Supreme Court decides whether to take up the case against President Obama's health care law, a new poll indicates that the landmark legislation is losing support among the general population, including Democrats.

Senh: I wonder if insurers raising premiums have anything to do with the negative view.


Calif. Schools to Teach Kindergarteners Gay History

Calif. Schools to Teach Kindergarteners Gay History

California has become the first state in the nation to require public schools to add lessons about gay history to social studies classes, after Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed the landmark bill on Thursday.


Landmark online privacy legislation is introduced in Senate

Landmark online privacy legislation is introduced in Senate

Although it lacks a 'do not track' provision, the bill's advocates say it would enact the first comprehensive protections for consumers' digital data transmitted from computers or other devices.Internet privacy is shaping up as the consumer issue of the year in Congress, as evidenced by new legislation introduced with bipartisan support from two former presidential candidates.


Court sets June date to hear healthcare appeal

Court sets June date to hear healthcare appeal

A court will hear oral arguments on June 8 in a government appeal of a federal judge's ruling that struck down President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul law as unconstitutional.


Obama lends support to states' health alternative

Obama lends support to states' health alternative

In a concession over his divisive health care overhaul, President Barack Obama offered Monday to let unhappy states design alternative plans as long as they fulfill the goals of his landmark law....


Senate to hold showdown vote on 'don't ask'

The Senate is headed toward a landmark vote Saturday on legislation that would let gays serve openly in the military.


House passes landmark health-care reform bill

House passes landmark health-care reform bill

In victory for Hill Democrats, historic legislation is approved by vote of 220 to 215; Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao of Louisiana is the sole Republican supporter.


After passing the House, Obama urges Senate to pass climate bill

Hours after the House passed landmark legislation meant to curb greenhouse gas emissions and create an energy-efficient economy, ...


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