Universal Health Care | featured news

Supreme court revives challenge to Obama health law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday revived a challenge to President Barack Obama's healthcare reforms, allowing a Christian college to pursue litigation raising First Amendment objections to a law that the court mostly upheld in June.


Undoing health law could have messy ripple effects

Supreme Court

It sounds like a silver lining. Even if the Supreme Court overturns President Barack Obama's health care law, employers can keep offering popular coverage for the young adult children of their workers....


GOP vows to repeal 'Obamacare'

The Republicans warmed up for a major Supreme Court decision today by vowing to repeal President Obama's health care law.


How to save $705 billion in health costs: Be like the Netherlands

Health Care Spending

If we spent like the Netherlands, the United States would cut $705 billion in health care spending... And here’s some encouraging news: When you look at how the Dutch health care system works, it’s not actually a huge leap from how we’ll deliver care here in the United States when the big pieces of the Affordable Care Act come into effect.


Barney Frank: Obama Made 'Mistake' With Health Care Push

Barney Frank

Rep. Barney Frank , D-Mass., said he advised President Obama against taking up health care reform following a special election in 2010 that changed Democrats' fortunes in the Senate, saying that he should have instead turned his focus to financial reform.


Obama team celebrates anniversary of Romney's health care law


Six years after Mitt Romney signed into law a signature health care reform package in Massachusetts, it's his chief political rival, Barack Obama, who's celebrating. President Obama's re-election team on Thursday released a three-minute web video marking the sixth anniversary of the law that's now known as "Romneycare," reminding voters that the signature effort in Massachusetts helped inspire Mr. Obama's landmark legislation.

Senh: Wow. Talk about lip service. Talk about jumping bandwagons. Romney wants to tear down health care reform that he favored and made work in Massachusetts when he was governor.


Opinion: Health care act keeps us well

Melody Barnes says the health care act offers peace of mind for families. Those who want it repealed have no credible alternatives.


Loss of insurance mandate wouldn't kill health law

Health Care

President Barack Obama's health care law would not collapse if the Supreme Court strikes down the unpopular requirement that most Americans carry medical insurance or face a penalty....


Supreme Court begins review of health-care law

Health Care

The Supreme Court began its constitutional review of the health-care overhaul law Monday with a fundamental question: Is the court barred from making such a decision at this time?


State Senate hits stalemate on universal healthcare for California

State lawmakers deadlocked Thursday over a controversial measure that would provide universal healthcare in California.

Senh: And so the state fight begins for universal healthcare. The same old arguments for and against it.


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