Universal Health Care, Health Care Reform | featured news

Democrats Wrestle Over Public Option Proposals

Lawmakers face question: Even if one believes government-run insurance option is good, should reformers stake everything on its inclusion?


Most Americans Want Health Reform But Worry About Costs, Quality

A majority of Americans see government action as critical to controlling runaway health-care costs, but there is broad public anxiety about the potential impact of reform legislation and conflicting views about the types of fixes being proposed on Capitol Hill, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


Obama challenges health insurance industry arguments

Obama challenges health insurance industry arguments

Saying it's not logical to complain that the government 'can't run anything' but will put them out of business, he also leaves room for compromise on a public plan as Congress tackles the issue.


Obama to face tough crowd for health care talk

Obama to face tough crowd for health care talk

President Obama takes his call for government-funded health insurance to a skeptical audience Monday.


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