Universal Health Care, Health Care Reform | featured news

Foes of health-care law lose key court ruling

Foes of health-care law lose key court ruling

A federal judge on Thursday rejected an attempt to stop some key provisions of the new national health-care law, saying Congress has the authority to require people to get insurance by 2014.


For Many, Health Care Relief Begins Today

For Many, Health Care Relief Begins Today

As a number of the law’s central provisions take effect, The Times talked to three families about the changes.


Report: Health overhaul will increase nation's tab

Report: Health overhaul will increase nation's tab

Government economic forecasters say President Obama's healthcare overhaul will increase the nation's healthcare tab instead of bringing costs down. The report by economic experts at the Department of Health and Human Services, released late Thursday, says the healthcare remake will achieve Obama's aim of expanding coverage.


Doctor shortage? 28 states may expand nurses' role

A nurse may soon be your doctor. With a looming shortage of primary care doctors, 28 states are considering expanding the authority of nurse practitioners. These nurses with advanced degrees want the right to practice without a doctor's watchful eye and to prescribe narcotics. And if they hold a doctorate, they want to be called "Doctor."...


Obama: US would go bankrupt without health changes

President Barack Obama says he did a full court press for a health care system remake because "this country was going to go bankrupt."


Obama set to sign health care 'fixes' bill

Obama set to sign health care 'fixes' bill

President Obama is set to claim final victory on his top domestic priority Tuesday by signing into law a package of changes to the newly enacted health care reform bill.


Big Pharma Wins Big With Health Care Reform Bill

Big Pharma Wins Big With Health Care Reform Bill

Chalk one up for the pharmaceutical lobby. The U.S. drug industry fended off price curbs and other hefty restrictions in President Barack Obama's health care law even as it prepares for plenty of new business when an estimated 32 million uninsured Americans gain health coverage.


Health overhaul likely to strain doctor shortage

Better beat the crowd and find a doctor. Primary care physicians already are in short supply in parts of the country, and the landmark health overhaul that will bring them millions more newly insured patients in the next few years promises extra strain.


AT&T will take $1B non-cash charge for health care

AT&T Inc. will take a $1 billion non-cash accounting charge in the first quarter because of the health care overhaul and may cut benefits it offers to current and retired workers....


Obama dares Republicans to seek healthcare repeal

Obama dares Republicans to seek healthcare repeal

President Barack Obama dared Republicans on Thursday to try to repeal his newly signed healthcare reform but warned that their effort would backfire as he touted the measure's benefits.



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