Universal Health Care, Health Care Reform | featured news

In Health Reform, Boons for Hospitals and Drug Makers

With an overhaul, Congress would be giving the health care industry millions of customers in the next few years.


For Consumers, Some Clarity on Health Care Changes

The uninsured are the biggest beneficiaries of the bill, which would extend coverage for low-income Americans.


House passes healthcare overhaul

House passes healthcare overhaul

In a major victory for the president, Democratic leaders get the Senate version passed, then engineer passage of a package designed to reconcile that bill and the one OKd by the House last year.

Delivering a hard-fought victory in President Obama's yearlong pursuit of a national healthcare overhaul, a divided House narrowly approved legislation Sunday night that could reshape the way Americans deal with wellness and illness.


Procedural vote indicates healthcare bill has the backing it needs

Procedural vote indicates healthcare bill has the backing it needs

The hard-fought measure would be a victory for President Obama - and, he says, for the American people. The House of Representatives was poised Sunday to pass a sweeping overhaul of the healthcare system and, in the process, hand President Obama a major political victory on the issue he has made the centerpiece of his domestic agenda.


Stage set for historic health care reform vote

The House of Representatives is expected to vote today on a sweeping health care reform bill already passed by the Senate. If the bill is approved, President Obama will sign it into law.


Democrats say they have votes to pass healthcare

Democrats say they have votes to pass healthcare

Democrats in the House of Representatives said on Saturday they had secured enough support to pass a sweeping healthcare overhaul and would dump a controversial plan to avoid a direct vote on the Senate bill.


Obama making final health care pitch to House Dems

Obama making final health care pitch to House Dems

Claiming unstoppable momentum but still short of the goal line, President Obama is heading to Capitol Hill to rally House Democrats ...


Estimates show health bill would cost $940B

The pricetag for the Democrats' health care bill is better than expected and that could help sway undecided House members to back the plan, said one key Democrat.


Pelosi suggests maneuver to pass healthcare overhaul

The speaker says the House should pass the Senate's version of the plan and then use 'budget reconciliation' to make changes that some lawmakers want.


Top Democrats: We Will Push Ahead With Health Care

President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders insist they will push ahead with efforts to overhaul health care. They just aren't explaining how. Obama acknowledges running into a "bit of a buzz saw" of opposition. A top Democrat suggests Congress slow down on health care, a sign of eroding political will in the wake of Republican upset in the Massachusetts Senate race Tuesday.


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