Universal Health Care, Health Care Reform | featured news

White House: No Push for 'Public Option'

While Obama believes a gov't-run health care would best meet his reform goals, aides say he's not demanding it.


Obama hits back at insurers over health reform

Obama hits back at insurers over health reform

U.S. President Barack Obama hit back at the health insurance industry on Thursday, accusing it of trying to deceive Americans about healthcare reform and vowing to overhaul the industry in Congress.


Another GOP senator open to health overhaul

Another GOP senator open to health overhaul

A second Republican senator signaled Wednesday she's open to voting for sweeping health care legislation this year, putting President Barack Obama closer to a historic achievement that has eluded generations of Democratic leaders.


Key Senate committee passes health care plan

Key Senate committee passes health care plan

The Senate Finance Committee passed a long-awaited $829 billion health care bill Tuesday by a 14-9 vote. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, was the lone committee member to cross party lines, breaking with other Republicans to vote for the measure. All the committee's Democrats supported the bill.


Health Plans Won't Help Most Americans Until 2013

Sixty years is how long Democrats say they've been pushing for legislation that provides health care access for all Americans. They'll have to wait another three if President Obama gets a bill to sign this year.


‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped

‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped

For President Obama, giving up on a public insurance plan could punch a hole in Republican arguments but could also alienate liberal Democrats.


Obama criticizes TV's emphasis on 'ruckus' over healthcare

Obama criticizes TV's emphasis on 'ruckus' over healthcare

The president tells a crowd in Montana: 'What you haven't seen on TV, and what makes me proud, are the many constructive meetings going on all over the country.'

President Obama today denounced the news media's emphasis on scenes of angry protesters at healthcare town halls as he fielded polite but tough questioning on his efforts.


Amid protests, Obama assails insurance companies

Amid protests, Obama assails insurance companies

President Barack Obama assailed insurance companies on Tuesday as he sought to counter an onslaught of conservative opposition to a U.S. healthcare overhaul at a town hall meeting that drew protests outside.


Obama pitching health care plan to the insured

Obama pitching health care plan to the insured

President Obama is switching his message on his overhaul of the nation's health care system, readying a fresh pitch designed ...


'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate

'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate

'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate By Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer Americans have been waiting for nearly a century for quality, affordable health care. Health coverage for all was on the national agenda as early as 1912, thanks...


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