Mitt Romney | featured news

Romney raises $14M for GOP presidential race

Mitt Romney raised more than $14 million over the past three months for his Republican presidential campaign.


Obama, Romney advisers do battle on Twitter

Obama, Romney advisers do battle on Twitter

The top campaign strategists for President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney are in a war of 140 characters or less, lobbing insults about each ...

Senh: Cool. Trash talking on Twitter.


Romney leads Republicans, Cain second: Reuters/Ipsos

Mitt Romney leads the field vying for the Republican presidential nomination, but fewer than one in four of the party's voters back him as a surging Herman Cain gains ground, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday.


Report: Christie to endorse Romney

Report: Christie to endorse Romney

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reportedly ready to endorse Mitt Romney for the GOP presidential nomination, Fox News is reporting.


The Caucus: Perry Video Attacks Romney on Health Care

A new ad presents Mitt Romney as the inspiration for President Obama’s health care reform and a flip-flopper.


Romney still holds wide lead in New Hampshire: poll

Romney still holds wide lead in New Hampshire: poll

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney holds a wide lead in the early primary state of New Hampshire, with former pizza executive Herman Cain a distant second place, a poll showed.


Obama's defense against Romney: Boehner

When Republican candidate Mitt Romney attacked President Obama for conducting a "feckless" foreign policy, the White House had a ready answer. It came from a Republican. White House spokesman Jay Carney quoted this particular Republican as saying: "I've been very supportive of the President's decisions in Iraq and Afghanistan ... When you look at the prosecution of the war effort against the enemy in the tribal areas, there's clearly been more done under President Obama than there was under President Bush in terms of a more aggressive effort focused at them." "So said John Boehner, Speaker of the House, highest elected Republican in the land," Carney dutifully reported.


Occupy Wall Street is twice as popular as Congress, more popular than Tea Party

Occupy Wall Street is twice as popular as Congress, more popular than Tea Party

Rasmussen Reports returns from the field with what I think is the first poll about Occupy Wall Street. The buried lede: At the moment, the protesters who've been mocked on CNN and Fox News, accused of class warfare by Mitt Romney, and handled delicately by the White House, have... decent favorable ratings.


New poll shows Mitt Romney back on top

New poll shows Mitt Romney back on top

Texas Governor Rick Perry rose to the top of the polls after jumping into the presidential race this August, surpassing longtime frontrunner Mitt Romney. A new survey, however, suggests that Romney is regaining his frontrunner status.


GOP debate: Rick Perry again in the cross hairs in Florida debate

GOP debate: Rick Perry again in the cross hairs in Florida debate

The Republican contenders for the presidential nomination aimed their fire Thursday night at front-runner Rick Perry while several second-tier candidates tried to gain traction in the GOP field as they faced off at a debate in Orlando, Fla.


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