Mitt Romney | featured news

Gingrich coup: Endorsement from NH's largest paper

Gingrich coup: Endorsement from NH's largest paper

New Hampshire's largest newspaper on Sunday endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 2012 GOP presidential race, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isn't the universal favorite and potentially resetting the contest before the state's lead-off primary Jan. 10.


Mitt Romney administration deleted emails before leaving office

It doesn't appear to have been illegal, but this, from the Boston Globe, doesn't make Mitt Romney's administration look particularly open and transparent...

Senh: Finally, some dirt on Romney.


California Republicans favor Romney, poll finds

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads GOP voters overall with 27%, but he is still having a hard time wooing conservatives, who are more enthusiastic about businessman Herman Cain. A collapse in support for Texas Gov. Rick Perry has left Mitt Romney as the clear front-runner in California's Republican presidential primary, but the former Massachusetts governor is still struggling to rally the party's most conservative voters, a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll has found.


Cain, Paul, Romney and Gingrich tied in new Iowa poll

With just seven weeks to go before Iowa holds the first nominating contest of the GOP presidential primary, voters in the state remain ambivalent about their choices.


What's Behind Newt Gingrich's Jump in the Polls?

What's Behind Newt Gingrich's Jump in the Polls?

It's the biggest headline in a national poll full of headlines: Newt Gingrich has surged and is now basically tied with Mitt Romney in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.

Senh: Rick Perry's brain freeze, Herman Cain's sexual harassment, and Mitt Romney's inactivity.


Romney has clear lead among Republicans: poll

Mitt Romney has a growing lead in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, and almost half of the party's voters expect him to be the nominee, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.


Romney, Obama Set to Battle for Swing States

New polling shows President Obama and Mitt Romney are nearly tied in three states that are traditional lynchpins in the path to the White House. A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows razor-thin margins between Obama and Romney in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. President Obama won all three of the states in question in 2008 and no Republican has ever won the White House without taking Ohio, where the president leads Romney 45% to 42%. That margin is just outside the 2.7% margin of error.

Senh: Looks like it'll be a very close race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Herman Cain remains a legitimate challenger to Mitt Romney despite the sexual assault charges.


GOP debate features stymied Rick Perry, defiant Herman Cain

GOP debate features stymied Rick Perry, defiant Herman Cain

Perry, who struggled in his previous debate performances, was talking about the three departments that he would cut to curb the size of the federal government. He named two — Education and Commerce — but for an excruciating period searched his mind for the third, as competitors tried to help him out.

Senh: Rick Perry seems more gaffe prone than Joe Biden. I feel bad for him. We are have similar incidents happen to us, we just don't have the spotlight on us when that happens.


Romney touts fiscal plan, avoids fray on Iowa trip

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is trying to stay above the fray in the GOP nominating campaign. The former Massachusetts governor is visiting eastern Iowa counties he won in his 2008 bid for the state's leadoff caucuses. He's also sticking with his strategy of shadowing President Barack Obama and trying to present himself as the most electable Republican. Obama also visited eastern Iowa in the fall.

Senh: Blah, blah, blah. The media's focused on Herman Cain's sexual harassment accusations now. It's good for him, but probably bad for Republicans as a whole.


Poll: Romney, Cain tied, but there are red flags for both

Poll: Romney, Cain tied, but there are red flags for both

A poll shows that accusations of harassment against Herman Cain haven't cost him his spot with Mitt Romney at the top of the GOP field.

Senh: Let's see of Gloria Allred and the fourth accuser can do damage to Herman Cain's campaign.


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