Republican, Mitt Romney | featured news

Romney: GOP, conservatives 'have not lost our way'

Romney represents the GOP's old guard as younger Republicans such as Marco Rubio and Rand Paul are in spotlight at conservative event... The event known as CPAC often shines the spotlight on the up-and-comers of the Republican Party and is a critical proving ground for presidential hopefuls. More than a dozen potential 2016 presidential candidates — including Sens. Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, Rep. Paul Ryan and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal — are all on this year's program and represent a new generation of Republican leaders.


Romney breaks post-election silence with Fox News

For the first time since losing the White House to President Obama, Mitt Romney sat down for a TV interview that airs on Sunday. "We were on a roller coaster, exciting and thrilling, ups and downs," Romney told Fox News, in an excerpt released Thursday night. "And then you get off. And it's not like, oh, can't we be on a roller coaster the rest of our life? It's like, no, the ride's over."


Dan Senor, Mitt Romney Adviser, Blasts Republicans For Deserting Candidate After Loss

Mitt Romney

Dan Senor, a top adviser to former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, on Wednesday accused Republicans within the former presidential candidate's inner circle of being fair weather fans, all too eager to throw Romney under the bus only days after his defeat.


RNC report suggests other reasons why Romney lost

While Mitt Romney has attributed his defeat, in part, to "gifts" President Obama was able to shower on key constituencies, a Republican National Committee report on the election points to other reasons.


The party that doomed its nominee

The headline was inevitable: “What went wrong?” Seriously? Republicans plan to commence focus groups and voter-based polls to discover the mystery behind their loss. Having sat staring into space the past couple of days, they now want to get to the bottom of it.


After defeat, cloudy future ahead for Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney spent the past six years running for president. After his loss to President Barack Obama on Tuesday, he'll have to chart a different course....


Republicans angle for spots in a Romney administration

With the presidential contest entering its final days, Mitt Romney and his top advisers are preparing to make a series of personnel announcements as early as next week — immediately after the election — should the Republican nominee win the White House, according to aides who have been working on his campaign and his transition plans.

Senh: Part of Romney's campaign to project a now non-existent momentum.


Mitt Romney Distances Himself From Richard Mourdock's Anti-Abortion Remark

"Gov. Romney disagrees with Richard Mourdock, and Mr. Mourdock’s comments do not reflect Gov. Romney’s views," Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in an email. "We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest but still support him."


Romney, GOP raise $170.4 million in September

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign says it raised $170.4 million in September. The figure brings Romney's fundraising effort slightly behind President Barack Obama's $181 million haul for the month. It leaves Romney, the Republican Party and related groups with $191 million in the bank to spend during the final full month of the campaign.


Who do you believe--Mitt, or your lyin' memory?

It is clear to anyone in either party that in last week's debate Romney cast aside all of his principles and reversed himself on everything he has said he believes... After reversing himself on the central issues of the campaign, Romney's standing went up in the polls. How? Why? Were the members of the electorate paying absolutely no attention to the campaign?


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