Republican, Mitt Romney | featured news

10 GOP governors rally around Romney

Fresh from a foreign trip marked by a number of stumbles, Mitt Romney was back in his element late Thursday with 10 Republican governors in Basalt, Colo... New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer all accompanied Romney on his first day back campaigning in America since his trip overseas.

Senh: After his disastrous foreign trip, Romney needs as much help as he can get.


Romney tax plan helps rich, hurts middle class: study

Mitt Romney

Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney's proposal to slash income taxes by 20 percent across the board would boost income for the wealthiest taxpayers while reducing it for the middle class, according to a nonpartisan analysis released on Wednesday.


Romney explains Palestinian culture remark

Mitt Romney tried to explain his remarks about the Palestinian economy, which were called "racist" by an aide to Mahmoud Abbas.


Romney chides Russia on last leg of bumpy foreign tour

U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney held up Poland's transition from Communism to democracy as an example for the rest of the world while saying on Tuesday that Russia had faltered on the path to freedom.

Senh: So much for Mitt Romney's attacks on Barack Obama's foreign policy. The guy ends up pissing off at least half of the countries involved in his trip.


Aide blows cool before Poland speech

Mitt Romney

One of Romney's aides, Rick Gorka, had an exchange with reporters who tried to ask the likely GOP nominee questions about missteps during the trip. Gorka told reporters to "show some respect" at the Polish holy site, and also said "kiss my ass" and "shove it." Politico reports he later called reporters to apologize.


S.C. Gov. Haley's husband deploying to Afghanistan

A spokesman for the National Guard Association of the United States told The State that Michael Haley may be the first spouse of a sitting governor to be deployed into a combat zone. Nikki Haley, 40, is a Republican who assumed office in 2011. She has been discussed as a potential vice presidential pick for Mitt Romney and hit the campaign trail days ago for the presumptive GOP nominee.


Palestinians criticize Romney's Israel visit

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney reportedly has angered Palestinians with his comments about their economy and his pledge to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem... "Yesterday, he destroyed negotiations by saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and today he is saying Israeli culture is more advanced than Palestinian culture. Isn't this racism?" Erekat said.


Mitt Romney visits Western Wall in Jerusalem

Mitt Romney made an unannounced trip to one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Western Wall, on Sunday as the presumptive GOP nominee continued his week-long overseas trip.


Cheney says picking Palin for VP was a mistake

Sarah Palin

Former Vice President Dick Cheney says it was a mistake for Republican Sen. John McCain to pick Sarah Palin as his vice presidential nominee. Cheney says he liked Palin, but that she didn't pass the test of being ready to be president and that McCain's campaign didn't handle the vetting process well.


Oh, Mitt: those Romney gaffes in full

Mitt Romney

From criticising the biggest sporting event Britain has held in over 40 years, to "looking out of the backside of 10 Downing Street", Mitt Romney's first foreign trip of his presidential candidacy hasn't gone quite as well as he might have hoped. As the former Massachusetts governor continues to gaffe his way across London, here's a round-up of Romney's red-facers. So far.


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