Republican, Mitt Romney | featured news

Romney gets ready for 2012

Romney gets ready for 2012

That's been the Romney way this fall. Head down, low profile, tending to the business of deepening relationships in a Republican Party that turned aside his bid for the presidential nomination in 2008. While other potential GOP presidential candidates have sought or drawn attention this fall, Romney seemingly has done the opposite.


Palin's 76% Favorable Among Republicans Tops Others in GOP

Palin's 76% Favorable Among Republicans Tops Others in GOP

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the best known and most positively rated of five possible contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Her 76% favorable rating among Republicans is higher than those for Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Bobby Jindal.

Senh: Sarah Palin's popularity confounds me. How anyone would even think about letting her run the country is just scary. If she's the best the GOP could offer, then they're in trouble.


Romney: Obama 'failed' public

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney derided President Barack Obama for having "failed" to deliver on the promises of his administration and sought to paint Republican obstruction as a beneficial thing for the country in a speech today at a gathering of conservatives in Washington.


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