Republican National Committee | featured news

RNC report suggests other reasons why Romney lost

While Mitt Romney has attributed his defeat, in part, to "gifts" President Obama was able to shower on key constituencies, a Republican National Committee report on the election points to other reasons.


Jonathan Capehart: Todd Akin is the Republican establishment

Just look at what happened yesterday. While the nation was engulfed in a ludicrous conversation about “legitimate rape,” “forcible rape” and “personhood,” the Republican platform committee approved a draft that reaffirmed the party’s extreme anti-abortion stance and called for a constitutional amendment to protect all human life... Akin and his extreme and offensive views are no longer the fringe.


Billionaire David Koch to be Romney delegate

David Koch, a billionaire bankrolling anti-Obama ads, is a Mitt Romney delegate to the Republican National Convention... Koch and his brother, Charles, are the major forces behind the conservative group Americans for Prosperity, which is currently funding a $27 million ad blitz against Obama.


Santorum, Rand Paul to speak at GOP confab

Florida governor Jeb Bush, Sen. Rand Paul and Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin were added to the growing list of convention speakers released by the Republican National Committee. Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, is the first of Mitt Romney's former rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination to be announced as a speaker. Paul, a Kentucky senator, is a Tea Party favorite and the son of Rep. Ron Paul, who also ran for the White House.


Romney, RNC raise more than $101M in July

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee say they netted more than $101 million last month... The campaign says Romney, the RNC and state GOP parties have nearly $186 million in cash on hand.


Republican Party ad takes softer approach on Obama

In a campaign fast growing nasty, the Republican National Committee is trying a gentler approach... Several Republicans who weren't involved in making the ad say a softer approach may be essential to the effort to defeat Obama in November, given polls showing him with strong personal favorability ratings. The ad is airing in Ohio, Virginia, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa.


Romney, RNC said to raise over $100M in June

Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised over $100 million in June, according to tweets and published reports...Rick Wiley, the political director for the RNC, taunted Obama campaign manager Jim Messina in a tweet that "we raised north of $100 million." He joked that Messina and Obama strategist David Axelrod will need some beers tonight.


Gingrich will challenge Florida's winner-take-all delegate plan

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich is challenging Florida's winner-take-all primary, arguing in a letter that is being sent Thursday that since the state held its primary early that it must award delegates proportionally under existing Republican National Committee policies.


GOP chairman calls on Anthony Weiner to resign

The chairman of the Republican National Committee on Tuesday called for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress, saying no investigation was necessary "to know he lied and acted inappropriately."


RNC may sell TV rights to debates

RNC may sell TV rights to debates

The Republican National Committee is considering sanctioning the GOP presidential primary debates and then selling the broadcast rights to news outlets, two Republicans with knowledge of the idea tell CNN.


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