The Daily Show apparently taped late enough on Thursday that Trevor Noah and his staff were able to watch a good part of the 11-hour grilling of Hillary Clinton by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Maybe not all of it — Noah suggested the Clinton had to testify for nearly 10 hours — but even at 10 hours, "that's like a whole season of televisions that the House Select Committee just dropped on us like they were Netflix or something," he said, "and I watched all of it — because I don't just Benghazi, I Bingeghazi." As with any good recap, Noah got newbies up to speed with a look at what's already happened — seven previous congressional investigations on Benghazi — the main characters (committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) "looks like somebody put Anderson Cooper's face under a book overnight," Noah said, favorably), and the plot: "As the investigations went on, it felt like Republicans started to shift their question from 'Was anyone to blame?' to, more specifically, 'Was Hillary to blame?', and then finally just 'How can we blame this on Hillary?'" That brought Noah to Thursday's hearing, which, he said, "was almost more a debate about why they were having a hearing than it was a hearing itself." Throughout the segment, Noah provided video of key moments in the video marathon, but in the end, he found the series a little wanting: "Bravo, Congress — you're the only institution that can spend more money on something with no plot than Michael Bay." Watch Noah's recap below — at under 8 minutes, it's quite the time-saver.