Mount Clemens, Macomb County | featured news

Trump slams rate increases by independent Federal Reserve

WASHINGTON>> President Donald Trump on Thursday cast aside concerns about the Federal Reserve's independence, saying he was "not happy" with the Fed's recent interest rate increases.Trump told CNBC in an interview: "I don't like all of this work that we're putting into the economy and then I see rates going up.


Son charged with murdering Sterling Heights woman

The 19-year-old son of a Sterling Heights woman found dead in her apartment this week has been charged with killing her.Cardell Versean Sain was arraigned by video link Thursday in 41-A District Court on one count of first-degree murder in the slaying of Jamika Davis, 41, law enforcement officials said.


STATE: High demand for Narcan to reverse opioid OD

The demand for Narcan - which can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose - more than doubled from April to June compared to the prior three months this year, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley announced on July 19.In total, Michigan pharmacies dispensed 3,174 orders during that time period, which is considered a high demand for the drug, whose generic name is naloxone, Calley stated in a news release.


SMART asks voters for millage renewal

Macomb County voters will be asked to consider a one-mill renewal Aug. 7 to help support the metropolitan Detroit bus system known as SMART.The millage for the Suburban Mobility Authority of Regional Transportation (SMART), would provide Macomb County's support from 2018 through 2021. The last millage was approved by voters in 2014.


Column: Our 'America first' president put America last in Helsinki

WASHINGTON >> America's child president had a playdate with a KGB alumnus, who surely enjoyed providing daycare. It was a useful, because illuminating, event: Now we shall see how many Republicans retain a capacity for embarrassment.Jeane Kirkpatrick, a Democrat closely associated with such Democratic national security stalwarts as Sen.


Column: Trump isn't the first president to embarrass America by cozying up to Putin

By MARC A. THIESSEN WASHINGTON >> The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting to get a different result, which is one of the many reasons President Trump's news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin seemed so insane. Trump is trying to do something that both of his immediate predecessors tried to do: turn over a new leaf with Russia.


Column: Questioning intelligence

Did President Trump bungle the moment in Helsinki by casting doubt on American intelligence findings that Russian agents "meddled" in the 2016 election? His critics, including some Republicans, say so - and on Tuesday, Trump said he had misspoken when he expressed doubt about Russian culpability - but several things need to be kept in mind.


Column: Trump said what he always says about Russia

By Gary Abernathy Even President Donald Trump's supporters sometimes yearn for him to simply acquiesce to his critics and say the words they want him to use, the traditional talking points that establishment Washington and the media embrace. In Charlottesville, condemn the racists and stop talking.


Column: Trump's tax cut hasn't done anything for workers

A few months ago, I cautioned that Americans should be patient before deciding what effect President Donald Trump's tax cuts have had on the economy. It takes a while for companies to make investment decisions, more time for those decisions to be implemented and even more time for the resulting changes in labor demand to bid up workers' wages.


Negus: Through the past brightly

By Don NegusAlways alone Never with the herd Prettiest mare I've ever seen You'll have to take my word I'm gonna catch that horse if I can .


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