Republican, Mitt Romney | featured news

Romney camp downplays expectations for Tuesday votes

Mitt Romney

The Romney campaign's broadening of its attack this week to include Rick Santorum reflects some of the uncertainty surrounding votes Tuesday in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri -- the first multi-state election day of the campaign.


Romney's lead dips despite wins: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Despite his strong showing in early voting contests in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney's support among Republicans nationwide has dipped slightly during the past month, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.


Romney is on a roll after big win in Nevada

Mitt Romney: Nevada Caucuses

Coasting to an easy victory over his GOP rivals in the Nevada caucuses, Mitt Romney keeps his focus on President Obama as the nominating contest moves to Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri. Mitt Romney spent years cultivating voters in Nevada, and it paid off with a commanding victory that not only pushed him closer to the GOP nomination but laid a strong marker in a state both parties will fight to carry in November.


Romney poised to win Nevada caucuses

Mitt Romney: Nevada Caucuses

Mitt Romney has a chance on Saturday to do what no Republican presidential candidate has done so far this cycle: win two contests back to back.


Mitt Romney says he ‘misspoke’ about lack of concern for poor

Mitt Romney said in an interview set to air Thursday evening that he “misspoke” when he said that he was “not concerned about the very poor.” In an interview with Nevada’s “Face to Face with Jon Ralston,” the former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential front-runner said he merely flubbed a line that he has said before.


The Caucus: Confusion Over, Trump Endorses Romney

Donald trump Endorses Mitt Romney

When they finally took the stage together, Mr. Romney uttered perhaps the truest statement of the event, which had come together in a last-minute flurry after false reports that Mr. Trump would throw his support behind Newt Gingrich. “There are some things that you just can’t imagine happening in your life,” Mr. Romney said. “This is one of them.”


Mitt Romney won in Florida but lost overall

Mitt Romney can argue that winning ugly is still winning, especially in a contest he could not afford to lose. But Romney’s decisive victory in Florida came at a price. He aggravated Newt Gingrich’s hostility to him, with all the trouble that could entail, and left behind a dispirited Republican electorate in a state the GOP needs to win this fall.


Bachmann: No talks on endorsing Romney

Mitt Romney may be holding a rally in Minnesota on Wednesday, but it's not an indication that he'll win the backing of former rival Michele Bachmann, the Minnesota congresswoman said.


Officials: Romney to get Secret Service protection

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is getting Secret Service protection, according to two people with knowledge of the plans. A Romney campaign adviser said the Secret Service will provide security for the former Massachusetts governor starting late Wednesday.


Mitt Romney wins Florida GOP primary

Mitt Romney: Florida Primary

Mitt Romney won the Florida presidential primary Tuesday, taking a long stride toward capturing the GOP nomination and dealing a potentially mortal blow to the hopes of the once-resurgent Newt Gingrich.


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