Barack Obama, Health Care Reform | featured news

Congress gets rough treatment at Supreme Court

The Supreme Court left little doubt during last week's marathon arguments over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul that it has scant faith in Congress' ability to get anything done.


Loss of insurance mandate wouldn't kill health law

Health Care

President Barack Obama's health care law would not collapse if the Supreme Court strikes down the unpopular requirement that most Americans carry medical insurance or face a penalty....


Supreme Court begins review of health-care law

Health Care

The Supreme Court began its constitutional review of the health-care overhaul law Monday with a fundamental question: Is the court barred from making such a decision at this time?


Battle over Obama health law reaches high court

The monumental fight over a health care law that touches all Americans and divides them sharply comes before the Supreme Court this week.


Romney vows to repeal and replace 'Obamacare' on law's anniversary


Days before President Obama's signature healthcare law goes in front of the Supreme Court, GOP front-runner Mitt Romney vowed to repeal and replace the law, speaking to a supportive crowd in a suburb of New Orleans.


4 GOP-appointed justices control health law's fate

Supreme Court Justice

Here's a thought that can't comfort President Barack Obama: The fate of his health care overhaul rests with four Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices....


Feds release health overhaul blueprint for states

Barack Obama

Tackling a huge logistical challenge, the Obama administration Monday released an ambitious blueprint for states to match up uninsured Americans with coverage that's right for them under the health care overhaul law....


'The Road We've Traveled': Trailer For New Documentary Highlights President Obama's First-Term Accomplishments

Barack Obama

The Obama campaign, in its push to remind voters why they cast their ballots in 2008, is releasing a documentary that plays up the president's accomplishments. The two-minute trailer is for the documentary, "The Road We've Traveled," which takes a look back on President Obama's first term, from the collapse on Wall Street to the fight over health care. "Road," which is narrated by Tom Hanks and directed by Davis Guggenheim, who helmed the Oscar winning environmentalist documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. "Road" will be shown at Obama campaign events next week.


2.5 million more Americans have health insurance

Health Care

About 2.5 million young people have received health insurance coverage as a result of health care reform measures that President Barack Obama signed into law last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday. The Obama administration trumpeted the figure as a sign that the controversial legislation is succeeding.


Obama health care official stepping down

A key player in implementing President Obama's health care law is stepping down in the face of Republican opposition. Don Berwick, the head of Medicare and Medicaid, was a recess appointment made by Obama after Senate Republicans had vowed to vote down his nomination.


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