Barack Obama, Health Care Reform | featured news

Officials pan health benefits tax

Lawmakers and administration officials on Sunday distanced themselves from the idea of taxing health benefits to help pay President ...


Obama eyes $313 bln more cuts for healthcare reform

Obama eyes $313 bln more cuts for healthcare reform

President Barack Obama on Saturday proposed an additional $313 billion in cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and other programs to pay for healthcare reforms expected to cost about $1 trillion over the next decade.


Bill Clinton Sees Hope for Health Care Changes, This Time

Bill Clinton Sees Hope for Health Care Changes, This Time

President Clinton believes President Obama has a better chance than he did to remake the nation’s health care system.


The Caucus: Obama Presses for a Health Plan ‘This Year’

The Caucus: Obama Presses for a Health Plan ‘This Year’

“The stars are aligned” to pass health care legislation, President Obama said on Wednesday in an appearance at the White House with House Democratic leaders.


Obama backs public and private healthcare insurance

The Obama administration's senior healthcare official Wednesday flatly rejected the idea of taking over the nation's medical insurance system, saying the federal government did not want to assume management of healthcare coverage.


Democrats near deal to "fast-track" health bill

Congressional Democrats are near a deal to ram through legislation overhauling the U.S. healthcare system, overriding Republican objections to one of President Barack Obama's top policy goals.


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