Barack Obama, Health Care Reform | featured news

Obama guarantees health care overhaul

Obama guarantees health care overhaul

President Obama guaranteed Thursday that his health care overhaul will win approval and said any bill he signs will have to reduce rapidly rising costs, protect consumers from insurance abuses and provide affordable choices to the uninsured — while not adding to the federal deficit.


‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped

‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped

For President Obama, giving up on a public insurance plan could punch a hole in Republican arguments but could also alienate liberal Democrats.


Obama criticizes TV's emphasis on 'ruckus' over healthcare

Obama criticizes TV's emphasis on 'ruckus' over healthcare

The president tells a crowd in Montana: 'What you haven't seen on TV, and what makes me proud, are the many constructive meetings going on all over the country.'

President Obama today denounced the news media's emphasis on scenes of angry protesters at healthcare town halls as he fielded polite but tough questioning on his efforts.


Obama goes west to promote health care plans

In something of a blitz before taking off on a family vacation, President Obama heads west on Friday, seeking to drill up support for the centerpiece of his domestic agenda. President Obama held a town hall meeting on health care Tuesday in ...


Amid protests, Obama assails insurance companies

Amid protests, Obama assails insurance companies

President Barack Obama assailed insurance companies on Tuesday as he sought to counter an onslaught of conservative opposition to a U.S. healthcare overhaul at a town hall meeting that drew protests outside.


Health care debate turns vile with Nazi analogy

Rush Limbaugh and those who invoking the Nazi analogy to attack President Barack Obama's effort to reform health care in America are not “insane” as David Brooks pronounced on last Sunday's “Meet the Press.


Obama pitching health care plan to the insured

Obama pitching health care plan to the insured

President Obama is switching his message on his overhaul of the nation's health care system, readying a fresh pitch designed ...


Obama Alters Health Reform Plan

Amid legislative wrangling and public wariness, White House scales back approach on key issue.


Health reform gets House boost, Senate setback

Democrats pushed healthcare reform legislation forward in a key House of Representatives panel on Friday but overall progress for President Barack Obama's top policy goal has slowed ahead of a monthlong August recess.


Obama Approval Ratings Slip in Poll

Support for Obama's health-care effort declined over the past five weeks as Congress struggled to finalize legislation and attention focused on its high price, a new WSJ/NBC News poll finds.


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