Barack Obama, Health Care Reform | featured news

Obama takes push for healthcare reform to North Carolina and Virginia

Obama takes push for healthcare reform to North Carolina and Virginia

President Barack Obama, hitting the road for healthcare reform again today, will take his case to two red states that he turned blue last year: North Carolina and Virginia.


No Breakthrough In Talks But Bipartisan Panel Close To Agreement On Medicare Savings

A bipartisan group of senators agreed tentatively Tuesday on a plan to squeeze an additional $35 billion out of Medicare over the next decade and larger sums in the years beyond, according to congressional officials, a step toward fulfilling President Barack Obama's goal of curbing the growth of health care spending.


Obama says economic recovery depends on healthcare

Obama says economic recovery depends on healthcare

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he realized Americans were skeptical about his healthcare overhaul, but that the country's economic recovery depended on the success of the $1 trillion plan.


Doctors Wage War Against Obama's Health Care Overhaul

As President Obama pushes for passage of his first major domestic policy change, some physicians are waging an all-out war against a health care reform bill they say amounts to nothing more than socialized medicine.


Obama Approval Ratings Decline on Central Issues

Washington Post-ABC News Poll | Public view of president slips on key issues, such as health-care reform, economy and federal budget deficit.


Obama Says Health Plan Won’t Add to Deficit

Obama Says Health Plan Won’t Add to Deficit

President Obama vowed on Saturday to reject any health legislation that would run up the federal deficit.


Obama on progress in health care reform

Obama on progress in health care reform

President Barack Obama discusses progress on health care reform with NBC's chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman.


Obama challenges health insurance industry arguments

Obama challenges health insurance industry arguments

Saying it's not logical to complain that the government 'can't run anything' but will put them out of business, he also leaves room for compromise on a public plan as Congress tackles the issue.


White House Can't Explain More Than Half of $80 Billion in Drug Savings

White House Can't Explain More Than Half of $80 Billion in Drug Savings

The Obama White House cannot explain more than half of today's announced $80 billion in prescription drug savings.


Obama to face tough crowd for health care talk

Obama to face tough crowd for health care talk

President Obama takes his call for government-funded health insurance to a skeptical audience Monday.


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