Barack Obama, Health Care Reform | featured news

Outside money pours into Senate races

The ads have hit hard: In one, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown is slammed as an out-of-touch politician who saddled his state's manufacturers with higher taxes by voting for President Obama's health care law. In another, he is savaged for his "failed record on energy."


Romney Health Care Plan Nearly Doubles Family Insurance Costs: Study

Mitt Romney

Under Romney’s proposed health care plan, American families buying non-group health insurance would pay nearly double what they pay under Obamacare, according to a new study by Families USA entitled "ObamaCare versus RomneyCare versus RomneyCandidateCare." That includes both comparative insurance premium payments as well as out-of-pocket expenses.


Analysis: For Romney, some troubling signs among older voters

New polling by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that during the past two weeks - since just after the Democratic National Convention - support for Romney among Americans age 60 and older has crumbled, from a 20-point lead over Democratic President Barack Obama to less than 4 points.


Romney, in shift, says Obama has not raised taxes

Mitt Romney said Tuesday that President Obama did not raise taxes during his first term, contradicting a constant attack he has leveled on Obama — that his healthcare plan was a tax increase.


How Romney paid for Romneycare, with federal help

...So Massachusetts used not just federal Medicaid money but federal dollars above and beyond that Medicaid money to finance their health reforms. It is difficult to see how Romney’s proposal to cut Medicaid spending and hand that reduced share over to the states would allow other states to follow Massachusetts’ example. It might not even permit Massachusetts to continue following Massachusetts’ example.

Senh: So now he's no longer repealing Obamacare, he's just gonna tweak it slightly so he can bitch about it.


Tax penalty to hit nearly 6M uninsured people

Health Care Reform

Nearly 6 million Americans - significantly more than first estimated- will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class....


Romney: Mass. health plan better than Obama's

Claiming health care bragging rights, Mitt Romney said Thursday his plan to provide health insurance to everyone in Massachusetts was superior to the one it inspired, President Barack Obama's much-debated national law.


In Florida, Paul Ryan warns of Medicare rationing under Obama plan

Escalating the campaign fight over Medicare, Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan warned an audience of Florida seniors Saturday that changes to the program made by President Obama's healthcare plan will lead to rationing of care for the elderly.


The fight over Medicare: Answers to 5 key questions

As campaign debate over Medicare intensifies, former Gov. Mitt Romney and President Obama have been accusing one another of threatening the future of the government health insurance program for the elderly and disabled.

Senh: A good recap of the charges and issues.


Paul Ryan Tries to Explain Difference Between His and Obama's Medicare Cuts, Can't, then Flip-Flops


Medicare, the health care plan for the elderly, is a tricky issue for Paul Ryan. He wants to get rid of it and replace it with one supported by a voucher system. That’s why in his budget plan for the House, there is a $700B spending cut for Medicare.

He’s attacking Barack Obama for trying to take the same $700B from Medicare to help fund the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare). So what makes his $700B cut good and Obama’s bad?

“We are the ones who are not raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare,” Ryan told Fox News anchor Brit Hume.


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