Barack Obama, Health Care Reform | featured news

Supreme Court to hear health care reform law case

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a challenge to President Barack Obama's sweeping health care reform law, including the mandate that individuals buy insurance.


Health care law ruled constitutional

Health care law ruled constitutional

The sweeping health care reform bill championed by President Barack Obama was upheld as constitutional by another federal appeals court Tuesday.


Obama health care law losing support, poll says

As the Supreme Court decides whether to take up the case against President Obama's health care law, a new poll indicates that the landmark legislation is losing support among the general population, including Democrats.

Senh: I wonder if insurers raising premiums have anything to do with the negative view.


Obama administration pulls part of healthcare law

Obama administration pulls part of healthcare law

The Obama administration is pulling the plug on a long-term, home-care program included in the 2010 healthcare reform law that Republicans have derided as a budget trick.


Obama's healthcare law appealed to Supreme Court

Obama's healthcare law appealed to Supreme Court

Twenty-six states and a small business group appealed on Wednesday to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking to strike down all of President Barack Obama's signature 2010 healthcare law.


Supreme Court could rule on health reform in '12

A legal move Monday by the Obama administration greatly increases the odds that the US Supreme Court will take up the contentious issue of the new health care law during the court term that starts next week. And if it does, that would mean a ruling from the Supreme Court by next spring -- as the presidential campaign is well underway.


Appeals court favors Obama health care law

A federal appeals court tossed out Virginia's lawsuit against the Obama health care law, ruling that the state's attorney general lacked legal standing to bring the case. The decision reversed a lower court judge's ruling ...


Obama aide: Health care ruling won't stand

White House officials say today's appeals court ruling against the requirement that all Americans buy health insurance -- the key part of President ...


Appeals Court Rules Against Health Law Mandate

Appeals Court Rules Against Health Law Mandate

A federal appeals court panel on Friday struck down the requirement in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul package that virtually all Americans must carry health insurance or face penalties.


Health care law won't rein in costs, study says

Health care law won't rein in costs, study says

Despite President Obama’s promises to rein in health care costs as part of his reform bill, health spending nationwide is expected to rise more than if the sweeping legislation had never become law.


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