A dispute among Denver school board members that’s set to be aired publicly Thursday night follows a year-long attempt by one elected director to receive full compensation for his official duties and incidents he had with at least two senior Denver Public Schools staffers. Three school board members — Michelle Quattlebaum, Xóchitl “Sochi” Gaytán and Scott Esserman — publicly accused John Youngquist, who joined the board in late 2023, of “behavior unbecoming of a board member toward DPS staff” last month. Youngquist, they noted, had levied his own allegations, accusing his colleagues of violating Colorado’s open-meeting law after he was excluded from an executive session in December. “His subsequent threats, accusations of legal violations and overall unprofessional behavior towards his fellow board colleagues are not in alignment with the respectful and collaborative tone that we are all expected to uphold,” Quattlebaum, Gaytán and Esserman wrote in Dec.