Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani outside state Supreme Court in Manhattan, Sept. 8, 2022.Molly Crane-Newman/New York Daily News/Tribune News Service via Getty ImagesA lawsuit claims Rudy Giuliani was paid $300,000 while pitching investors on an anti-Biden film.Giuliani allegedly said it would be a "kill shot" that would sink Joe Biden's campaign.The farmers gave $1 million but despite assurances of financial success, the movie never came out.Two farmers who plowed $1 million into a documentary that would supposedly come out before the 2020 election and expose Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's corrupt dealings in Ukraine want their money back.In 2019, a new lawsuit alleges, California fruit-and-nut farming magnates and brothers Baldev and Kewel Munger met Tim Yale, a Republican political operative at a fundraiser.