Syria | featured news

Arab League gives Syria 3 days to stop bloodshed

Arab League gives Syria 3 days to stop bloodshed

Arab League foreign ministers on Wednesday gave Syria's government three days to agree to end its crackdown on protesters and allow in teams of observers, but did not say what would happen if Damascus failed to comply.


Turkey threatens to cut Syria's power

Turkey threatens to cut Syria's power

Turkey threatened to cut off supplies of electricity to its neighbor Syria on Tuesday, as the Damascus regime found itself under growing pressure from Arab, Turkish, European and North American governments for its ongoing lethal crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.


Jordan's king urges Syria's Assad to step down

Jordan's King Abdullah said Tuesday that Syrian President Bashar Assad should step down, making him the first Arab ruler to issue such a call over the regime's deadly crackdown on an 8-month-old uprising.


Arab League suspends Syria

Arab League suspends Syria

The Arab League announced Saturday that it is suspending Syria's membership after its failure to stop the violence against its people.


Syrian troops kill 11 despite Arab League accord

Syrians in the restive region of Homs performed special prayers for a major Muslim holiday to the sound of explosions and gunfire as government troops pushed forward their assault on the area, killing at least 11 people Sunday, residents and activists said.


Syria signs Arab League deal to pull back military

Under intense pressure from Arab states, Syria has signed a pact to pull its armed forces from the streets, release political prisoners and engage with opposition groups after seven months of unrest that has ravaged the strategically situated nation and unsettled the entire region.


Syria says reaches deal with Arab League on unrest

Syria says reaches deal with Arab League on unrest

Syrian state television said on Tuesday a final agreement had been reached between Syrian authorities and an Arab League committee tasked with finding a solution to end seven months of unrest.


Syria sets out to draft new constitution

Syrians aiming to write a new constitution for the strife-torn country will meet for the first time on Monday, the state news agency reported Sunday, after a weekend of intense violence.


Syria's Assad: 'Earthquake' if West intervenes

Syria's Assad: 'Earthquake' if West intervenes

Western powers risk causing a major conflict in the Middle East if they intervene in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad says in an interview with a British newspaper.


Syrian jets, tanks pound city of Homs

Syrian forces pounded the western city of Homs Saturday with jets and tanks, sustaining fire with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, activists told CNN.

Senh: How do civilians fight against that? Without international intervention, Syrians have no chance.


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