Syria | featured news

Large demonstrations in Syria; Assad crony cedes power over businesses

Large demonstrations in Syria; Assad crony cedes power over businesses

Tens of thousands of Syrians poured onto the streets of cities around the country after prayers on Friday to press their demand for the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, apparently undeterred by concessions from a top ...


Outrage boils over Syria crisis

Outrage boils over Syria crisis

Syrian refugees continue to flee across the Turkish border to escape violence, as world powers amplify their outrage over the Damascus regime's tough crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.


Syria Widens Crackdown, More Civilians Flee to Turkey

Syria Widens Crackdown, More Civilians Flee to Turkey

Syrian military forces are poised to enter another northern town, while an increasing number of civilians are fleeing to Turkey to escape the military crackdown on anti-government protesters.


No U.N. action on Syria

No U.N. action on Syria

After more than a thousand reported deaths from a government crackdown on dissidents and chilling videos of violence on social media, the unrest in Syria has drawn international attention -- albeit no response from the United Nations Security Council.


Georgia man: I'm the 'Gay Girl in Damascus'

Georgia man: I'm the 'Gay Girl in Damascus'

A new entry to a blog purportedly written by a Syrian-American lesbian living in Damascus asserted the saga was a hoax, as the male writer of the post claimed to have penned it all.


48 reported killed as Syria forces continue attacks on protesters

48 reported killed as Syria forces continue attacks on protesters

Meanwhile, a refugee crisis keeps growing in Turkey, where at least 3,000 Syrians fled across the border in recent days to makeshift tent cities set up by relief agencies and the Ankara government.


Syria braces as anti-regime protests erupt and bloodshed continues

Syria plunged deeper into chaos and bloodshed Friday as adamant pro-democracy protesters took to the streets across the country in cities and towns including Homs, Lattakia, Amouda, Izram, Dara, Der Ezzor and Qamishli in mass protests that mark what protestors have called "Friday of Tribes."


Syria accused of human rights crimes

A delegation of human rights organizations and their lawyers Tuesday accused the Syrian government of committing crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands, according to a statement released by the group.


Fears for missing 'Gay Girl' blogger

A woman whose outspoken "Gay Girl in Damascus" blog has made her an unlikely icon of the Syrian uprising has allegedly been abducted.


Report: 40 Syrian security forces die in ambush

Forty members of the Syrian security forces were killed in the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour, most of them in an ambush, state television said on Monday.



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