Microsoft | featured news

'12th man' in spy probe worked for Microsoft

The “12th man” taken into custody by U.S. officials in the Russian spy probe worked for Microsoft Corp., a spokesman for the company confirmed Wednesday.


Microsoft Looking For A Few Good iPad Users… To Study

Microsoft Looking For A Few Good iPad Users… To Study

Companies do all kinds of studies all the time for all sorts of reasons. Seeing as the iPad is currently one of the hottest devices on the market, it should be no surprise that companies want to know about how users are using it.


Ballmer: Windows 7 Slates Coming Soon

Ballmer: Windows 7 Slates Coming Soon

In an effort to counter Apple's iPad-fueled momentum in the personal computing market, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said his company plans to introduce a full range of Windows 7-based slate PCs "over the course of the next several months."

Senh: This will probably be the end of netbooks - iPad running windows 7. There's something about being able to hold onto something and moving things around with your fingers. The only drawback is typing, but I think it can be solved if Swype makes a version for tablet computers. With multi-touch being the wave of the future, I wonder if people will start developing calluses on their fingers. I'm already at that stage with my HTC HD2. I had to take a break from using Swype to type.


Microsoft Can Give Office New Legs On Smartphones

Microsoft Can Give Office New Legs On Smartphones

Microsoft, which competes with Google and IBM in the productivity software market, is speculated to be developing a smartphone-compatible version of its well-known Office productivity software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).

Senh: It's already available on Windows Mobile devices. I guess if they put it on iPhone and Android devices, then I'm sure it's gonna be a hit. It's just whether or not Microsoft want it on competing phones.


Microsoft Claims Huge Demand for the New 360

Microsoft Claims Huge Demand for the New 360

Microsoft is claiming that retailers are seeing “unprecedented demand” for the redesigned Xbox 360.


Microsoft abandons Kin phones

Just as quickly as it came, Microsoft is saying goodbye to its Kin line of phones.

Senh: Wow, that was quick. Almost as quick as the Nexus One.


Windows 8 lead: an App Store for Windows, IE9 beta in August

Windows 8 lead: an App Store for Windows, IE9 beta in August

Slides describing Microsoft's plans and ambitions for the Windows 8 hardware and software ecosystem have been leaked. In the documents, the company outlines its plans for performance improvements and a Windows Store for third-party software sales.


Google Docs Simplifies Collaboration With Sharable Links

As Microsoft moves into the cloud with Web-based versions of its Office suite of applications, Google has been beefing up Google Docs to stay one step ahead. The Big G has just made it much easier to share documents online through the service's online document editor, Google Docs.


Microsoft Kinect to hit stores Nov. 4

Microsoft Kinect to hit stores Nov. 4

If Microsoft has its way, we all will be playing video games by moving our bodies instead of holding remotes starting November 4.


Microsoft Launches Newer, Slimmer Version of Xbox 360

Today at its Xbox 360 media event in Los Angeles, Microsoft dropped a big piece of news: the launch of a slimmer version of the Xbox 360,…


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