Microsoft | featured news

Amazon Web Services And Cloud Biz Not Meaningful For Stock Price

Amazon Web Services And Cloud Biz Not Meaningful For Stock Price, apart from being a major online retailer of books, DVDs, music, games, apparel, and other merchandise, also has a small business of providing cloud and other Web services. It offers Web services like cloud computing and cloud storage service offerings, in which it competes with bigger players like Google, Microsoft and Amazon also owns and operates websites such as,, and


Barnes & Noble sued by Microsoft

Barnes & Noble sued by Microsoft

Technology giant Microsoft sued Barnes & Noble, alleging the US bookseller's electronic book reader Nook infringes its patents.


Microsoft IE9 browser goes live

Microsoft IE9 browser goes live

Microsoft has launched the finished version of its Internet Explorer 9 web browser amid tough competition from rivals. The company said IE9's graphics handling, security and privacy features put it on an even footing with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and others. The release comes as Microsoft's browser market share is being whittled down by a growing roster of rivals.


Study Shows Bing Is More Accurate Than Google, And It's Gaining Share

Study Shows Bing Is More Accurate Than Google, And It's Gaining Share

No wonder Google seems so panicked about Bing. The latest results from market researcher Experian Hitwise show not only that Bing grew at Google's expense in January. They also show that Bing is delivering more accurate results. In the U.S., Bing now powers more than 27% of search results, up from 25% in December. That's despite a slight decline in traffic to Yahoo's search site, which has been powered by Bing since December.

Senh: More accurate results? How can Bing get more accurate results when all you're doing is copying Google's search results? That's lame.


Nokia, Microsoft in pact to rival Apple, Google

Nokia, Microsoft in pact to rival Apple, Google

Technology titans Nokia and Microsoft are combining forces to create smart phones that might challenge rivals like Apple and Google and revive their own fortunes in a market they have struggled to keep up with.


Microsoft Caught Copying Google Search Results

Microsoft Caught Copying Google Search Results

Google alleges Microsoft uses its web browser and Bing Search bar to harvest information on Google users.

Senh: That's lame. So instead of developing a better search engine, they're just gonna copy Google's, and call it their own. Way to innovate, Microsoft.


Microsoft set to report lower profit on stale PC growth

Microsoft Corp is set to report a dip in earnings on Thursday, a year after the launch of its Windows 7 operating system blew away Wall Street estimates, as sales of personal computers lag expectations and Apple Inc's iPad eats away at the fringes of its core market.


Windows on verge of dropping below 90% market share

Windows on verge of dropping below 90% market share

Microsoft's dominance is starting to fade as Macs, smartphones and tablets grow more popular.


Microsoft to Reveal New Version of Windows

Microsoft to Reveal New Version of Windows

Microsoft plans to discuss a new version of its Windows operating system that targets low-power devices and adds support for ARM microprocessors.


Microsoft's 1.5 M Phone Stockpile

Here's the thing about 1.5 million Microsoft Windows Phone 7 phones sold in six weeks - it doesn't mean 1.5 million people have bought Microsoft phones... Now that we know there are 1.5 million Windows 7 phones on the shelves there can be one or two possibilities. One, consumers could buy them. Or two, they pile up as inventory in warehouses. Judging by the sputtering start, the later scenario seems likely.


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