Microsoft | featured news

After Amazon And Google, Masterobjects Sues Microsoft Over Instant Search Patent

We recently broke the story of a small search software outlet named Masterobjects taking on in a notable patent infringement lawsuit, later also taking Google to court. Now it's apparently Microsoft's turn to get sued by the company, and my guess is more will follow.


DealBook: Microsoft in Talks to Acquire Skype for $8.5 Billion

DealBook: Microsoft in Talks to Acquire Skype for $8.5 Billion

The acquisition, an effort to gain a foothold in voice and video communications, would be Microsoft’s largest ever.


Microsoft, RIM Strike Search Deal

Microsoft, RIM Strike Search Deal

Microsoft said its Bing search engine and mapping service will be the default options for Research In Motion's BlackBerry devices.


IE9 can't stop Microsoft's browser slump

IE9 can't stop Microsoft's browser slump

The March launches of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) and Firefox 4 failed to stop Microsoft's and Mozilla's decline in browser share, new Web usage data shows.


Microsoft Releases iPhone to Windows Phone Migration Tool

Microsoft announced today via its Windows Phone Developer Blog the release of a new tool designed to help developers migrate iPhone applications to the Windows Phone 7 platform.


Microsoft Windows sales slip, shares drift lower

Microsoft Windows sales slip, shares drift lower

Microsoft Corp reported a dip in quarterly sales of its core Windows operating system, mirroring a recent downturn in personal computers and sending its shares down slightly.


Nokia to Cut 7,000 Jobs in Cost-Cutting Move

The 12 percent reduction in the leading cellphone maker’s global work force will help trim operating costs by 1 billion euros as it prepares for its alliance with Microsoft.


Halfway to Windows 8, Windows 7 Has Sold 350 Million Licenses

In the nature of Microsoft product updates, Window 7 is entering its middle years. Generally, Microsoft comes out with a new update to Windows every three years and Windows 7 is currently 18 months into its game. In that time Microsoft has sold 350M licenses to the operating system making it perhaps the fastest selling software of all time.


Bits: Gmail April Fool’s Joke Turned Into a Reality

A mock Google product announced on April Fool's Day promised to let users control GMail with their body. But a group of university students and hackers figured out how to really do it, using a hacked version of Microsoft's Kinect.


Bing Grows Into A Bigger Pimple On Google

Bing Grows Into A Bigger Pimple On Google

Slowly but steadily, Microsoft Bing has become a potent threat to Google in the search market. Over the last few months, Microsoft’s aggressive strategy with Bing has started to yield market share gains over competitors Google, Yahoo and AOL in the U.S. search market. Bing’s market share, which was around 11% in September 2010, is now close to 14% as of February 2011.


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