Real-time | featured news

NYPD, Microsoft create crime-fighting tech system

The New York Police Department has teamed up with Microsoft to create futuristic-sounding computer technology that could help officers fight crime in real time....


Scientists use Twitter to study mood swings through the day: Sure enough, weekends are happier

Twitter confirms it: People tend to wake up in a good mood and are happiest on weekends. The fast-paced forum is offering scientists a peek at real-time, presumably little-filtered human behavior and thoughts. Cornell University researchers turned to the microblog to study mood and found a pretty consistent pattern.


The Amazing U.S. Debt Clock in Real Time

Friends, there has never been a more fascinating, detailed, and persuasive way to look at how our national debt affects us all (thank you Duncan Sylvester for pointing it out to me). The wonderfully thorough, yet simple, lists not only the U.S. National Debt, but the Debt Per Citizen, Debt Per Taxpayer, U.S. Federal Spending, the U.S. Federal Budget Deficit, plus spending on Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, Defense/Wars, Income Security, Net Interest on the Debt, Interest Per Citizen, and Federal Pensions. In addition, it shows U.S.


Digg Launches ‘Newswire’ Showing User Buries for First Time

Digg users have already started to notice a new Beta feature called ‘Newswire’ that Digg announced on its blog this morning. ‘Newswire‘, a real time Top News section on Digg that ‘allows users ‘to be editors’ and help choose the Top News instead of just reading it.


Behavioral Ads Rock But Akamai Stock Is Still About 60% Overvalued

Akamai’s real-time ad targeting solution could well be an important growth driver in the future for the company given the growing importance of behavioral targeting technology in the context of web advertisement. Companies such as Amazon and Google currently use similar technologies to identify user behavior and then offer suggestions or products that might interest users.


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