Health | featured news

'Bolder' cigarette warnings coming

'Bolder' cigarette warnings coming

The federal government unveiled new proposed regulations Wednesday mandating "bolder health warnings" on cigarette advertisements and packages, according to a news release from the Department of Health and Human Services.


Man loses 27 lbs. on Twinkie diet

Man loses 27 lbs. on Twinkie diet

Twinkies. Nutty bars. Powdered donuts. For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.


Fast-food survey: Nearly all kids' meals high in salt, calories

Finding healthful kids' meals is not child's play, found a survey of eight fast-food chains.


Exercise fights the common cold, study finds

Exercise fights the common cold, study finds

There may not be a cure for the common cold, but people who exercise regularly seem to have fewer and milder colds, a new study suggests.


McDonald’s Happy Meal Ban Goes Through in San Francisco!

We’ve been covering the progress of the proposal to ban the inclusion of toys in unhealthy fast food meals.


CT scans of smokers can reduce lung cancer deaths by 20%, study reports

Advanced CT imaging can reduce deaths from lung cancer by 20% among heavy smokers, according to long-awaited results from the first comparison of CT scanning and regular chest X-rays, researchers said Thursday.


The simple secret to great sleep

You already know that pregnancy pains and hot flashes can keep you tossing and turning at night. But there's a host of other, less-heralded health concerns that may be silently interfering with your shut-eye. Here's how to deal with these stealth sleep stealers, decade by decade.


Halloween contacts can be scary for eye health

Halloween contacts can be scary for eye health

Halloween is a popular time to buy over-the-counter decorative contact lenses, but they pose a number of potential risks to your eyes, including ...


Diabetes may affect as many as 1 in 3 Americans by 2050

Diabetes may affect as many as 1 in 3 Americans by 2050

One in 10 U.S. adults has diabetes now, but cases are projected to double, even triple, over the next 40 years, according to ...


Walking 6 to 9 miles a week may help memory

Walking 6 to 9 miles a week may help memory

Walking about 6 miles a week appears to protect against brain shrinkage in old age, which in turn helps stem the onset of memory problems and ...


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