Commercials | featured news

FCC bans excessively loud TV commercials

Say goodbye to one of the greatest irritants of modern life: television commercials that are MUCH LOUDER THAN THE SHOW YOU ARE WATCHING!


CBS, NBC and Fox head to court over Dish ad-skipping feature

Ad-Skipping Feature

CBS, NBC and Fox will face Dish in court starting Monday over its commercial-skipping feature AutoHop, which works on TV network programs recorded on DVRs.


TiVo, PayPal to Enable Shopping Through Ads

Tivo Paypal Interactive Ads

TiVo is working with advertisers and agencies to develop PayPal-enabled commercials, allowing people to make instant purchases through interactive ads on their video recorders.

Senh: Now this is interesting: bringing interactive ads from the web to TV.


NBC sold out of advertising spots for Super Bowl

Super Bowl spots are still the hottest ticket in advertising. NBC has sold all the commercial airtime for the Feb. 5 game in Indianapolis and even has a waiting list of advertisers. The average cost for a 30-second spot this year was $3.5 million, with some time slots costing as much as $4 million.


Marketers Line Up for Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl 2012

Despite a steep increase in advertising prices and a lackluster economy, commercial spots for Super Bowl XLVI are all sold out, showing yet another sign of the increasing influence of sports TV on Madison Avenue.


Google chairman Schmidt to woo TV elite

Google's Eric Schmidt faces a wary audience of British television professionals on Friday following a major acquisition that could turn Google TV into a real competitor for TV advertising dollars.


Asian Americans face new stereotype in ads

When Asian Americans appear in advertising, they typically are presented as the technological experts — knowledgeable, savvy, perhaps mathematically adept or intellectually gifted. They’re most often shown in ads for business-oriented or technical products — smartphones, computers, pharmaceuticals, electronic gear of all kinds.


Gov't to urge food companies to limit ads for kids

Commercials promoting sugary breakfast cereals could be put on a strict diet under government guidelines urging food companies to limit marketing of unhealthy products to children....


Media Decoder: Taco Bell Pulls Ads From MTV’s ‘Skins’

Media Decoder: Taco Bell Pulls Ads From MTV’s ‘Skins’

Taco Bell has pulled its commercials from MTV's controversial teen drama "Skins."


DirecTV Planning Personalized TV Ads

After years of promises and false starts, TV commercials targeted at individual homes may finally be ready for prime time. DirecTV Group is planning the biggest rollout yet of "addressable ads," allowing advertisers to reach close to 10 million homes with commercials tailored to each household. Dog owners, for instance, could see ads for dog food, not kitty litter, while families with children could be shown minivan spots.


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