Mount Clemens, Macomb County | featured news

Alcohol's health benefits hard to prove, but harms are easy to document

Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world, including in the United States.While the rising opioid epidemic has received a lot of attention in the past five years, it's important to remember that alcohol is involved in a greater number of deaths and physical and social problems. Backed by a strong industry, alcohol's dangers may be underplayed and its benefits exaggerated.


Cat cafés make a latte difference in pets' lives

We're all used to seeing cafés that offer soy or almond milk with your mocha latté, but some newer cafés serve you coffee with a kitty on the side.Whether it's for stress relief or to bring a furry new friend home, a new cat café in Mount Pleasant has an abundance of cats to fill those needs.


America's first dogs vanished after Europeans arrived, study finds

For thousands of years, dogs lived alongside early Americans. This human-canine partnership has been gleaned through bones: The earliest dog remains found in North America were buried nearly 10,000 years ago in what is now Illinois. By 7,000 years ago, other bones show that "we have lots of dogs all over the place," said Angela Perri, a zoo archaeologist at Durham University in England.


About a third of all Michigan pets are overweight

It might seem logical that the states with the highest prevalence of overweight people would have the highest percentages of hefty pets. Surely all those fit Coloradans with their outdoorsy lifestyles have slim dogs, right?Not according to a new report based on the physiques of more than 2.


A rabbit makes a curious, intelligent pet

Rabbits are curious and intelligent, which makes them both fun and interesting to watch, and their highly social nature allows them to bond with humans and other animals.Though generally silent, a rabbit is able to make several distinct noises and can clearly express itself and its desires when necessary.


An '80s decorating style makes a comeback

Pop culture from the 1980s is having a bit of a moment, and it's not just because of "Stranger Things."Bold, blocky geometric forms, reminiscent of the design phenomenon known as Memphis, are making a comeback, according to Los Angeles-based interior architect and interior designer Jamie Bush.


Summer care for perennial gardens

Keep your perennial gardens looking their best throughout the hot summer months with a bit of midsummer grooming and care. Investing time midseason means you'll be enjoying beautiful gardens now through the end of the growing season.Start by deadheading, removing faded flowers, to improve the plants' overall appearance.


How to repair a puncture in a wood parquet floor

Q: A metal picture frame sitting on a bookcase fell about three feet and caused a small puncture wound in my parquet floor. The floor was installed in the 1960s and was refinished and stained seven years ago. I have some of the stain left over. How do I fix this hole?A: Sometimes damage to a floor is a bit like a bruise: The wood fibers get crushed, but they are still intact.


Trump backs off siding with Russia over US intelligence

WASHINGTON (AP) - Blistered by bipartisan condemnation of his embrace of a longtime U.S. enemy, President Donald Trump backed away from his public undermining of American intelligence agencies, saying he simply misspoke when he said he saw no reason to believe Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S.


Column: As Trump taunts allies, a French village remembers a downed GI and his rescuers

POILLÉ-SUR-VÈGRE, France >> It was 75 years ago on the Fourth of July, while most residents of this western French village were in church giving thanks for the harvest, that an American B-17 heavy bomber, part of a formation targeting strategic sites of the German war machine in nearby Le Mans, was hit and crash-landed in an inferno just up the road.


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