Senh: For a moment, I thought Amazon is opening an app store for their Kindle. Oh well.
With all the talk focused on Android, iPhone, and lately Windows Phone 7, I’m glad the guys at Opera haven’t forgetten about the group of us who are still using Windows Mobile 6.5 (or earlier versions). Opera released a native version of Opera Mini 5 Beta for Windows Mobile earlier this year, and being a beta release, it was buggy. Sometime in September, they finally got a chance fix those bugs and improve the page rendering.
About a month ago, if you want access to your Dropbox files from your Windows Mobile phone, your only option is Ruttensoft's CloudFiles. Now, they have a competitor - Droppedboxx. It's not as fully featured as CloudFiles, but it gets the job done, especially if all you want to do is ftp between your phone and your Dropbox account.
The only feature I miss from CloudFiles is the internal text editor, but I can live without it. Price wise, the official releases for Cloud Files and Droppedboxx are $6.99 and $2.99 respectively.