Senh: This study is kinda biased since it's done by Republicans, but, still, Romney's tax plan seems kinda convoluted. The definition of middle class according to the analyst and Romney is murky. Keep it simple stupid.
Senh: This study is kinda biased since it's done by Republicans, but, still, Romney's tax plan seems kinda convoluted. The definition of middle class according to the analyst and Romney is murky. Keep it simple stupid.
Senh: I didn't think the 15% tax rate that Mitt Romney paid last year will become such a big issue.
Senh: Rick Perry's tax plan is the 20/20 plan, I guess. We'll wait for the number crunchers to see who this plan benefits - the haves or the have-nots. With the lower tax rate, will the federal government lose money with this plan? UPDATE: Looks like the reviews are in, and it's not pretty. It's panned by both parties.