Rick Perry | featured news

Texas Experiences Meteoric Rise Of Relocation Inquiries From California Companies

Rick Perry

According to the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce, since the passage of Prop 30 in the November election, California-based company relocation inquiries have doubled, possibly tripled, in Central Texas. West Coast entrepreneurs feeling the personal financial stress of an out-of-control state budget and tax policy have heard Texas’ message, and they’re responding.


Texas Gov. Rick Perry set to poach Calif. jobs

Rick Perry

Look out, California. Rick Perry is going hunting in your backyard for jobs to bring back to Texas. The Republican governor heads to San Francisco, the Silicon Valley, Los Angeles and Orange County next week on a "business recruitment trip," his office says. The trip is being paid for by Texas One, a public-private partnership that does marketing for the state.


10 GOP governors rally around Romney

Fresh from a foreign trip marked by a number of stumbles, Mitt Romney was back in his element late Thursday with 10 Republican governors in Basalt, Colo... New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer all accompanied Romney on his first day back campaigning in America since his trip overseas.

Senh: After his disastrous foreign trip, Romney needs as much help as he can get.


Perry says Romney should release tax returns

Rick Perry

Gov. Rick Perry joined one other Republican governor and several GOP advisers in saying presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney should release his tax returns because transparency works best. “I’m a big believer that no matter who you are or what office you’re running for, you should be as transparent as you can be with your tax returns and other aspects of your life,” Perry said.


Texas governor rejects two provisions of health law

Texas Governor Rick Perry said on Monday his state will not implement an expansion of the Medicaid program for the poor or create a health insurance exchange, leaving the state with the highest percentage of people without health insurance outside President Barack Obama's signature law.


Texas Gov. Rick Perry throws his support to Mitt Romney

Texas Gov. Rick Perry tonight has endorsed Mitt Romney for president. Perry threw his support to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich when he dropped out. Now, Gingrich is poised to quit.


Rick Perry wants to run for president again

Rick Perry

Texas Gov. Rick Perry told a CBS TV station that he's giving "a good examination" to making another run for president in four years.


AP sources: Perry abandoning bid, backing Gingrich

Rick Perry Drops Out of Presidential Race, Backs Gingrich

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Thursday dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination and endorsed Newt Gingrich, adding a fresh layer of unpredictability to the campaign two days before the South Carolina primary.

Senh: The number of Republican candidates are dropping out and picking sides now. Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry are a good fit, although they have the same voter overlap. If Newt has any real chance, he needs to draw people outside of his ultra conservative group.


Perry defends Marines accused of urinating on corpses

Rick Perry

Texas Governor Rick Perry, scrambling to keep his U.S. presidential bid alive, accused the Obama administration on Sunday of over-reacting to a videotape that shows four Marines appearing to urinate on dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

Senh: Damn, Rick Perry's pretty desperate when he's condoning a despicable act like this from our soldiers. They represent us. And urinating on our enemies is not an image we want to radiate to the world.


Perry loses key SC backer after attack on Romney

Rick Perry

Presidential candidate Rick Perry's criticism of Mitt Romney's business past had a boomerang effect Thursday, costing him the support of a prominent Republican in South Carolina. Investment fund executive and top GOP donor Barry Wynn told The Associated Press he was leaving the Perry fold to endorse Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. Wynn said Perry's attacks on Romney's time at the helm of the private equity firm Bain Capital had crossed the line in a political party that values free-market capitalism.


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