Rick Perry | featured news

Obama strongly leads GOP candidates in California poll

The president's standing slips but is still high. Among Republicans, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney share a clear lead over other rivals for the nomination.


The Caucus: Perry's Book Gives Rivals Ammunition

In the book he wrote less than a year ago, Rick Perry calls Social Security a "failure" that should never have been enacted.


Mitt Romney shifts to right in move to head off Rick Perry

Mitt Romney appears to be trying to block Rick Perry's attempt to claim the Tea Party candidate mantle.


Romney campaigns in Perry territory

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took his economic message into the heart of Texas -- enemy territory -- on Tuesday, telling a San Antonio audience that "career politicians got us into this mess and they simply don't know how to get us out."


AP-GfK Poll: Most Republicans happy with GOP field

After grousing for months, Republicans are growing more satisfied with their choices for president and, so far, they like what they're hearing from the newest candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry....


Romney sticks with strategy despite Perry's surge

Romney sticks with strategy despite Perry's surge

Despite a new rival's surge, Mitt Romney is campaigning as though he's still the GOP presidential front-runner, focusing his criticisms on President Barack Obama, taking few risks and keeping most proposals vague enough to leave ample maneuvering room....


Perry leads GOP field after only a week in the race

Perry leads GOP field after only a week in the race

Perry leads Mitt Romney by 12 percentage points, 29%-17%, the poll showed. Texas Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, places third with 13%.


Huntsman slams Perry on global warming, Fed chief

Huntsman slams Perry on global warming, Fed chief

Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is pounding away at rival Rick Perry's skepticism of man-made global warming and criticism of the nation's central banker, saying those stands hurt the Republican Party.


Rick Perry seen easier for Obama to beat

Rick Perry seen easier for Obama to beat

White House hopeful Rick Perry has at least some supporters in the Democratic stronghold of Chicago -- President Barack Obama's re-election team.


Trump praises Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential bid, refuses to rule out independent bid

Real estate mogul Donald Trump said Tuesday he expects Texas Gov. Rick Perry to do “very nicely” as a presidential candidate. But Trump stopped short of endorsing Perry and said he hasn’t ruled out running for president himself as an independent.


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