Senh: I didn't think the 15% tax rate that Mitt Romney paid last year will become such a big issue.
Senh: I didn't think the 15% tax rate that Mitt Romney paid last year will become such a big issue.
Senh: Rick Perry's tax plan is the 20/20 plan, I guess. We'll wait for the number crunchers to see who this plan benefits - the haves or the have-nots. With the lower tax rate, will the federal government lose money with this plan? UPDATE: Looks like the reviews are in, and it's not pretty. It's panned by both parties.
Senh: As long as there's no loopholes for the rich and there's an exemption for the poor, I don't mind it. The rich do get a huge tax cut from this though, but they're probably getting it anyway from the current tax code with all of its exemptions and loopholes.