Trial, Insanity | featured news

Judge Enters Not Guilty Plea for James E. Holmes

James Holmes - NY Times

The judge in the case of James E. Holmes, after having laid the groundwork for Mr. Holmes to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, denied requests by defense lawyers for more time.


Attorneys say Colorado shooting suspect is mentally ill

James Holmes

Attorneys for mass murder suspect James Holmes told a district judge Thursday that their client is mentally ill, setting the stage for an insanity defense for the man charged with murdering 12 people and injuring 58 in a movie theater rampage.


Insanity ruling not likely in Norway

Insanity ruling not likely in Norway

It's unlikely that the right-wing extremist who admitted killing dozens in Norway last week will be declared legally insane, according to the chief of the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine.


Elizabeth Smart kidnapper convicted; jury rejects insanity

Elizabeth Smart kidnapper convicted; jury rejects insanity

A federal jury in Salt Lake City, Utah on Friday morning convicted a self-proclaimed prophet and street preacher of kidnapping and repeatedly raping then-14-year-old Elizabeth Smart, rejecting arguments by the defense that Brian David Mitchell was insane at the time of the crimes.


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