Mentally Ill | featured news

Many mentally ill missing from gun background check system

A database of mentally ill people for gun background checks is confusing and costly, and many states don't take part... Swept along by the tide of outrage and sorrow after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, Congress passed a law to try to prevent future tragedies by keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.


Suspect in homeless woman's burning is mentally ill, police say

A man arrested on suspicion of setting a homeless woman on fire while she slept on a Van Nuys bus bench is believed to be mentally ill, police said.


Attorneys say Colorado shooting suspect is mentally ill

James Holmes

Attorneys for mass murder suspect James Holmes told a district judge Thursday that their client is mentally ill, setting the stage for an insanity defense for the man charged with murdering 12 people and injuring 58 in a movie theater rampage.


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