Shooting Rampage | featured news

Cops kill suspect in deadly NY shooting rampage

NY Shooting Rampage - AP

Authorities in upstate New York say the suspected gunman in a rampage at a car wash and a barbershop that left four people dead and two wounded has been killed by police in a shootout.


Wisconsin Suspect Killed Himself, Authorities Say

Wade M. Page, the man who the police say shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin this week, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, officials said on Wednesday. The authorities had reported earlier that he was fatally shot by a police officer.


Sikh temple gunman exhorted other white supremacists to act

A day after Wade Michael Page strode into a Sikh temple with a 9mm handgun and multiple magazines of ammunition, authorities were trying to determine if the 40-year-old Army veteran was taking his own advice when he opened fire on total strangers in a house of worship.


Alleged Colorado gunman's doctor reached police before rampage: ABC

James Holmes

The psychiatrist who treated suspected movie-theater shooter James Holmes contacted a University of Colorado police officer to express concerns about Holmes's behavior several weeks before his alleged rampage, ABC News reported, citing unnamed sources.


Spokesman says Giffords now knows who was killed in shooting rampage that wounded her

Spokesman says Giffords now knows who was killed in shooting rampage that wounded her

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is now aware of who was killed during the January shooting rampage in Tucson that left her seriously wounded, her spokesman said. C.J. Karamargin confirmed Friday that the Democratic politician was told in late July the names of the dead, including her aide Gabe Zimmerman; U.S. District Judge John Roll, a close friend; and 9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green, the Arizona Republic reported.


Norway Killer Returns to Scene of Shooting Spree

Norway Killer Returns to Scene of Shooting Spree

Held tightly on a police leash, the Norwegian man who confessed to killing 69 people at an island youth camp has reconstructed his actions for police back at the crime scene.

Senh: Jeez. This guy looks eerily like David Duchovny.


Insanity ruling not likely in Norway

Insanity ruling not likely in Norway

It's unlikely that the right-wing extremist who admitted killing dozens in Norway last week will be declared legally insane, according to the chief of the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine.


Cops: Norway suspect had other targets

The suspect in Norway's July 22 terror attacks has told police he had plans to attack other targets, Norwegian police said Saturday.


AWOL soldier defiant in 1st court appearance

An AWOL soldier accused of plotting an attack on Fort Hood with a bomb in backpack was defiant during his first court appearance on Friday, yelling out the name of the Army psychiatrist blamed in the 2009 deadly shooting rampage at the same Texas base....


Norway holds memorial services to mourn 76 victims of bombing and youth camp shooting

Norway began burying the dead on Friday, a week after an anti-immigrant extremist killed 76 people in a bombing and shooting rampage. Mourners of all ages vowed they would not let the massacre threaten their nation’s openness and democracy. An 18-year-old Muslim girl was the first victim to be laid to rest since the gunman opened fire at a political youth camp and bombed the government headquarters in Oslo.


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