Senh: Whoah, I didn't know you can do that. Isn't this very clearly anti-competition - demanding that developers can only use their ad network, and no one elses? Fun times ahead his Apple vs. Google boxing match.
Senh: Whoah, I didn't know you can do that. Isn't this very clearly anti-competition - demanding that developers can only use their ad network, and no one elses? Fun times ahead his Apple vs. Google boxing match.
Senh: At the same time, Android phones are touting Flash support. And they've already surpassed iPhones in market share. When google comes out with their tablet computer, I see them beating the iPad too. There are still too many sites with Flash on the web, and despite the number of iPads sold,they're still a niche market compared to desktop computers. What I see is designers will just do a browser detect and offer iPad owners a Flash-less version of their site. I think Apple will lose this fight.
Senh: Google: "Whatever you can do, I can do better." Interesting that it's gonna run on Android rather than the Chrome operating system that they were building for netbooks. Will Microsoft follow suit and create a tablet to be run on Windows Mobile 7?