Patents | featured news

High court signals skepticism on patenting genes

Supreme Court - NBC News

In a Supreme Court test of whether a company can be granted a patent on the genes in the human body, a majority of the justices indicated during Monday's oral arguments that the court is likely to rule that a human gene can’t be patented. It would be one thing, several of the justices said during Monday’s oral arguments, for a company to seek a patent on a test for breast cancer that was developed by analyzing a human gene, but it would be going too far to be awarded a patent on the gene itself.


Samsung loses case versus Apple in UK

South Korean phone-maker Samsung loses another patent fight against rival Apple, in the UK High Court.


Half of $1B Apple awarded from Samsung invalidated

Galaxy Note

A federal judge on Friday slashed nearly half of the $1 billion damage award a jury ordered Samsung Electronics to pay Apple Inc. after a high-profile trial over the rights to the design and technology running some of the world's most popular smartphones and tablet computers. U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh lowered the damages awarded to Apple Inc. by $450.5 million for 14 Samsung products including some products in its hot-selling Galaxy lineup, saying jurors had not properly followed her instruction in calculating some of the damages.


Judge throws out part of Apple patent award against Samsung

Apple Inc lost a major ruling in its ongoing patent battle with Samsung Electronics on Friday, as a federal judge threw out part of a jury's $1.05 billion damages award against Samsung over a variety of phone products.


Apple loses a U.S. appeals bid in Samsung patent fight


A U.S. appeals court on Thursday rejected Apple Inc's request to revive its bid for a sales ban on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus smartphone, dashing the iPhone maker's attempt to recover crucial leverage in the global patent wars.


Samsung seeks US ban on Ericsson

Samsung Electronics seeks a ban on the import and sales of some Ericsson products in the US which it claims infringe its patents.


Futuristic handcuffs would administer shocks, drugs


A patent for next-generation handcuffs offers a future in which the detained can be zapped directly from their restraints, and even injected with a medication, sedative, irritant, paralytic, or other fine substance.


Court to decide if human genes can be patented

Human Genes

The Supreme Court will soon decide whether companies can patent human genes, a decision that could reshape the future of medical care in the United States.


Shocker, Samsung Adds New iPad, iPad Mini To Patent Lawsuit Against Apple

When the iPhone 5 was released, Samsung added it to the ever-growing list of devices that infringe on its patents. Now Samsung is making the list even longer. In a new court filing, the company has asked for a few more of Apple’s devices to be included in its patent lawsuit against Apple. These devices include the new iPad, the iPad mini, and new iPod touch.


Samsung wins U.S. court order to access Apple-HTC deal details

A U.S. judge has ordered Apple Inc to disclose to rival Samsung Electronics details of a legal settlement the iPhone maker reached with Taiwan's HTC Corp, including terms of a 10-year patents licensing agreement.


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