Mitt Romney | featured news

Does he regret Romney face tattoo?

Mitt Romney has many supporters, but he's got a fan for life in a man who had the Romney/Ryan logo tattooed on his face.


The party that doomed its nominee

The headline was inevitable: “What went wrong?” Seriously? Republicans plan to commence focus groups and voter-based polls to discover the mystery behind their loss. Having sat staring into space the past couple of days, they now want to get to the bottom of it.


Obama wins Fla., topping Romney in final tally

President Barack Obama was declared the winner of Florida's 29 electoral votes Saturday, ending a four-day count with a razor-thin margin that narrowly avoided an automatic recount that would have brought back memories of 2000.


Romney campaign gives up in Florida

Mitt Romney’s top campaign official in Florida conceded Thursday that President Obama will win the state, acknowledging a vote count that was moving inexorably against the Republicans.


Fallon spoofs Mitt's concession call

Jimmy Fallon imagines what Mitt Romney may have said to President Obama during their election night chat.


After defeat, cloudy future ahead for Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney spent the past six years running for president. After his loss to President Barack Obama on Tuesday, he'll have to chart a different course....


Dick Morris Falls On His Sword For Wrong Predictions, Misses Sword

So, if you recall, ol' Dick Morris, he predicted something of a landslide for Mitt Romney. Something of a crazy landslide, actually, in which it was an absolute given that Obama had already lost Florida, Virginia and Colorado; in which Ohio, New Hampshire and Iowa had "eroded"; in which the "battleground" was Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota; and "Romney momentum" was going to "wash into formerly safe Democratic territory in New Jersey and Oregon."


New term, familiar challenges for Obama

President Obama faces a lengthy and familiar set of challenges after claiming a decisive re-election victory over Mitt Romney.


After Obama Victory, Donald Trump Rants on Twitter

It’s Donald Trump vs. the world in the wake of President Obama’s second term win. Late Tuesday, after Obama’s victory over Mitt Romney was certain, the billionaire real estate mogul and one-time 2012 presidential contender tweeted, “Well, back to the drawing board!”


Obama wins a second term

Barack Obama

President Obama overcame a disappointingly slow economic recovery and a massive advertising onslaught to win a second term Tuesday night, forging a coalition of women, minorities and young people that reflects the changing political face of America.


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