Ipad | featured news

Running a country? There's an app for that, almost

Britain's government says experts are considering developing a bespoke iPad app that would deliver key data straight to Prime Minister David Cameron's tablet computer....


Bits Blog: F.A.A. Approves iPads in Cockpits, But Not for Passengers

iPad Approved for Cockpits

On Tuesday, the Federal Aviation Administration said that pilots on American Airlines flights will be officially allowed to use iPads instead of paper flight manuals in the cockpit, just a few feet from the most critical avionics on a plane, even during takeoff and landing.


Google Currents, Rival to Flipboard, Finally Debuts

Google‘s long-awaited answer to Flipboard, the “social magazine” exclusively on Apple‘s iPad and iPhone, just debuted today. Google Currents offers a similar appearance, except it works on Android devices as well as iPads and iPhones. It’s the latest in a long string of applications, most recently Yahoo‘s Livestand, that seek to turn online content into something resembling print magazines, but without all those dead trees and with 20th century innovations like, say, video.


iPad 3 'found' in new Apple iOS code

The discovery has added to rumours that the iPad 3 will launch in March and feature a fractionally thicker design and a significantly higher resolution display.


Apple offers Black Friday discounts

Apple offers Black Friday discounts

If you've been weighing buying a new Mac or iPad but are holding out for one of Apple's rare discounts, Black Friday is your chance.


iPhone Battery Bug Persists Following iOS Update, Users Say

Apple yesterday rolled out its iOS 5.0.1 software update which, among other things, was supposed to stomp out a bug that causes iPhones and other iOS devices to lose battery life faster than they should. It also added things like multitasking gestures for the original iPad, better voice recognition for Australian users, and got rid of another...


Why Amazon doesn't scare Apple

Ever since Amazon unveiled its 7-inch Kindle Fire tablet in September, a lingering phrase has been attached to the low-cost, high-profile device: "the iPad's first true Android competitor."


52 percent of kids under age 8 have access to mobile media

52 percent of kids under age 8 have access to mobile media

Mobile devices have become mini-pacifiers/babysitters for many wee ones: 52 percent of all children 8 and younger have access to mobile devices at home like a smartphone, video iPod, iPad or other tablet, according to Common Sense Media, a nonprofit group that studies children’s use of technology.

Senh: It's tough to keep our smartphones or tablets away from them. It feels so intuitive to them. They can get their hands on it and instantly interact with it. Let's just hope the radiation emitted from these devices don't cause much harm to their little developing brains.


IOS 5 Release Date: New Operating System for iPad, iPhone

IOS 5 Release Date: New Operating System for iPad, iPhone

If you're reading this story on your iPad or iPhone, perhaps searching for "iOS 5 release date," well -- it's now, says Apple. Apple has reinvented its operating system, promising 200 new features, and, in the process, changing the way users relate to the online world.


After long wait, Facebook releases application for iPad, updates iPhone app

One of the big, enduring questions of the technology world: “When will iPad users get their very own Facebook app?” The answer is —now. Facebook is releasing an updated version of its iPhone application on Monday afternoon, one that’s also designed to fill out the larger screen of the iPad. Like the previous iPhone version, it’s free.

Senh: I don't understand the point of iPad apps for websites. You can access the web from your iPad, and the screen is large enough that you don't have to zoom in and scroll.


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