Immigration | featured news

Obama to Latinos: 'Stand With Us'

President Obama appealed to Hispanics on Wednesday to support Democrats in the November elections despite his failed promise to pass an immigration overhaul.


Senate passes border security bill

President Obama is expected to sign the measure, which will add 1,500 troops and immigration officials to beef up security along the border with Mexico.

Interrupting its summer recess, the Senate approved a $600-million border security bill Thursday morning, sending President Obama his request for 1,500 more troops and immigration officials to beef up security along the border with Mexico.


Federal prosecution of immigrants soars

Federal prosecutions of immigrants soared to new levels this spring, as the Obama administration continued an aggressive enforcement strategy championed under President George W. Bush.


Brief for 9 states backs Arizona immigration law

States have the authority to enforce immigration laws and protect their borders, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said Wednesday in a legal brief on behalf of nine states supporting Arizona's immigration law.


Holder: Ariz. Law Inconsistent with Federal Law

In an exclusive interview with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer on CBS' "Face the Nation," Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department is challenging Arizona's controversial new immigration ...


Justice Dept. challenges Ariz. immigration law

Justice Dept. challenges Ariz. immigration law

The U.S. Justice Department is filing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Arizona's tough new law targeting illegal immigrants.


In speech, Obama to argue for immigration overhaul

In speech, Obama to argue for immigration overhaul

President Barack Obama hopes to rally new momentum behind the push for an immigration overhaul by explaining why he thinks a comprehensive approach is the only way to fix what he and others say is a system badly in need of repair.


Ariz. gov: Most illegal immigrants smuggling drugs

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Friday most illegal immigrants entering Arizona are being used to transport drugs across the border, an assertion that critics painted as exaggerated and racist...


Administration Plans Suit to Block Arizona Immigrant Law

The move by the Obama administration, a rare federal intervention in state affairs, carries political risks.


Mexico says U.S. border agent killed teenager

Mexico says U.S. border agent killed teenager

Mexico demanded an investigation on Tuesday into the apparent shooting death of a teenager by a U.S. border patrol agent, an incident bound to stoke cross-border tensions over illegal immigration.


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