Immigration | featured news

Biden: Romney wants Latinos 'to show your papers, but he won't show us his'

Vice President Joe Biden railed Tuesday against the GOP's hard-line stance on immigration in a speech warning Latino voters of the consequences if they "sit on your hands" in the coming elections.


Mitt Romney says he would lead on immigration, he just won’t say how

Mitt Romney has had a lot to say about immigration over the past few days, but what he has said adds up to a giant question mark. Rarely has a presidential candidate had as many opportunities to clarify or recalibrate his position on a vital issue, and rarely has a candidate passed up those opportunities as consistently as the former governor.


Arizona police see "difficulties" enforcing immigration law

For Arizona sheriff Antonio Estrada, enforcing a state law that requires officers to determine the immigration status of people they stop and suspect are in the United States illegally was always going to be difficult.


Supreme Court rejects key parts of Arizona immigration law

Arizona Immigration

The Supreme Court struck down key provisions of Arizona's crackdown on immigrants Monday but said a much-debated portion on checking suspects' status could go forward. The court did not throw out the state provision requiring police to check the immigration status of someone they suspect is in the United States illegally. Even there, though, the justices said the provision could be subject to additional legal challenges.


Obama pounds Romney on immigration

As President Obama heads to Florida to talk to Hispanic lawmakers, his re-election campaign is hitting Republican opponent Mitt Romney over the immigration issue. A new video from the campaign spotlights Romney's refusal to say whether he would repeal Obama's new policy ending deportations of children of illegal immigrants.


Is President Obama baiting House Republicans?

In the past six days, President Obama has sent a very clear message to Republicans in Congress. And that message goes like this: Bring it on. His decision to stop actively deporting young illegal immigrants, which was announced last Friday, and his action Wednesday to invoke executive privilege over documents tied to the “Fast and Furious” program both amount to a finger in the eye of House GOPers.

Senh: It's about time Barack Obama tells Republicans in Congress who's boss.


Midwest town thrives thanks to immigration

A cowboy rides a horse through town as he watches a Cinco de Mayo celebration in Beardstown, Illinois. There are approximately 900 immigrant workers from 34 countries employed in Beardstown at the Cargill meat packing plant.

Senh: I didn't know there are diversity visas - good to know. It helps to further diversify this country.


House GOP bill would block Obama's immigration policy shift


Rep. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) has introduced the “Prohibiting Back-door Amnesty Act of 2012” legislation that would block the president’s action — and exposes the ongoing divide in the GOP on immigration issues in an election year.

Senh: This sounds like just political posturing and will probably not pass the House since Republicans are mixed on the issue.


Asians Surpass Hispanics as Biggest Immigrant Wave

Asian immigrants have pushed the United States’ population of Asian descent to a record 18.2 million and helped make Asians the country’s fastest-growing racial group, a study says.


Obama's immigration move wins support in battleground states

President Obama’s decision to extend administrative relief to an estimated 800,000 young illegal immigrants has won favor with Latino voters in key battleground states, according to a new poll.


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