Immigrants | featured news

Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters

Shooting Immigrants from Helicopters

Officials in Texas announced on Thursday that State Troopers would no longer be allowed to open fire on suspects from helicopters after the recent killing of two immigrants. While announcing the new policy, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw insisted that the ban on aerial shootings had nothing to do with the October 2012 death of two Guatemalan immigrants, who were gunned down by troopers in helicopter while they were hiding in the back of a speeding pickup truck near La Joya.


Second-generation immigrants better off than parents


Second-generation immigrants are faring far better than their parents, earning more money, owning more homes and getting more college degrees, according to a report released Thursday.


Audits of businesses for illegal immigrants rising

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement reached its highest number yet of companies audited for illegal immigrants on their payrolls this past fiscal year.


In crisis, Greece rounds up immigrants

Border police jeeps hurtle along hot, dusty tracks past potato fields on their way to the river that marks the Greek-Turkish border. Sirens blaring, the convoys have been repelling wave after wave of migrants.


California leads U.S. in immigrant entrepreneurship, study finds

Immigrants own 33% of California's small businesses, the highest share in the U.S., and make up 27% of the state's population. When Gloria Suen opened a retail shop in Chinatown, she and her sister knew so little English they could barely decipher the rules and regulations that govern small businesses.


For Some New York Immigrants, VHS Is King for Movie Rentals

VHS Rentals

In this age of streaming movies online and Blu-ray Discs, immigrants’ nostalgia and frugality, among other factors, combine to make sure that the bulky VHS cassette endures.


40 Percent of Fortune 500 Companies Founded by Immigrants or Their Children

We know about immigrant founders at large technology companies, such as Intel, Google and eBay. Less well known is how many immigrants and children of immigrants have founded other successful American companies. A new report from the Partnership for a New American Economy found more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. Eighteen percent (or 90) of the 500 companies had immigrant founders. The children of immigrants started another 114 companies.


Number of illegal immigrants in U.S. down

The number of immigrants coming to the USA illegally every year has plummeted the first significant decline in two decades, according to a Pew ...


White supremacists, demonstrators square off in L.A.

White supremacists, demonstrators square off in L.A.

A white supremacist group rallied against illegal immigration in downtown Los Angeles Saturday as hundreds of counter-protesters ...


Hard US Times Mean Mexicans Sending Money North

Hard US Times Mean Mexicans Sending Money North

Unemployment has hit immigrant communities in the United States so hard that a startling new phenomenon has been detected: Instead of receiving remittances from relatives in the richest country on earth, some down-and-out Mexican families are scraping together what they can to support their unemployed loved ones in the United States.


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