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Task Force Opposes Routine Mammograms for Women Age 40-49

Task Force Opposes Routine Mammograms for Women Age 40-49

Women in their 40s should not get routine mammograms for early detection of breast cancer, according to updated guidelines set forth by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.


U.N.: South Asia worst area for child health

U.N.: South Asia worst area for child health

More than half of the world's chronically undernourished children under the age of 5 live in South Asia, the U.N. Children's Fund reports.


Placebo effect behind many natural cures

Placebo effect behind many natural cures

People looking for natural cures will be happy to know there is one. Two words explain how it works: "I believe."


Sex, alcohol, fat among world's big killers: WHO

Sex, alcohol, fat among world's big killers: WHO

Tackling just five health factors could prevent millions of premature deaths and increase global life expectancy by almost 5 years, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.


FDA clamps down on nutrition labels on food packaging

The agency is targeting foods bearing logos or language suggesting the product is more healthful than the ingredients justify.

The Food and Drug Administration announced plans Tuesday to clamp down on food labeling that it says may mislead consumers into thinking products are more nutritious than they are.


Antidepressant improves recovery from spine injury

A common antidepressant combined with an intensive treadmill training program helped people with partial spinal cord injuries walk better and faster, U.S. researchers said on Sunday.


New FDA plan may limit U.S. oyster consumption, sale

New FDA plan may limit U.S. oyster consumption, sale

Lovers of oysters on the half shell may want to indulge now, while they can. A new Food and Drug Administration plan to cut deaths from one of the deadliest types of food poisoning means that soon, live U.S.-grown oysters will become much harder to find from May to October.


Man grows new skull after decades

The damaged skull of a man involved in a car crash 50 years ago has regenerated itself, a process thought to be rare.


Study: Tetris Is Good for Your Brain

Study: Tetris Is Good for Your Brain

Tthe classic puzzle game Tetris can boost your brain power, according to a new study.


Drug duo may reduce heart attacks and strokes

Drug duo may reduce heart attacks and strokes

A combination of cholesterol and blood pressure medicine can cut the incidence of attacks by up to 60%, a report says.


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