Health | featured news

Eating baked, broiled fish helps heart

For years, doctors have been telling their patients to eat more fish in order to boost heart health.


Baby boomers fueling boom in knee & hip surgeries

Baby boomers fueling boom in knee & hip surgeries

We're becoming a nation of bum knees, worn-out hips and sore shoulders, and it's not just the Medicare set. Baby boomer bones and joints also are taking a pounding, spawning a boom in operations to fix them. Knee replacement surgeries have doubled over the last decade and more than tripled in the 45-to-64 age group, new research shows. Hips are trending that way, too. And here's a surprise: It's not all due to obesity.


Six Meat-Free Protein Sources for Building Muscle and Losing Fat

Six Meat-Free Protein Sources for Building Muscle and Losing Fat

These alternative protein sources will keep you healthy and fit.


Prevent STDs like a porn star

"Before you start shooting, you go online to see the other person's test results," Wylde explains. "Or sometimes on set, before you start, they show you the results on paper."


Tests for ovarian cancer can backfire

Tests for ovarian cancer can backfire

In healthy women, screening for the deadly malignancy actually does more harm than good, a study shows.


Putting You on Hold. Mobile Phone and WiFi Radiation Scare Ramped up in Europe

The argument that mobile phones are bad for health was maybe due a reprise, so expect at least a round of calls for more research on their impact in the coming days, and possibly for outright bans in some circumstances (like schools). The renewed concern though is not just about mobile phones. WiFi is now in the frame. The panic button was pressed by an influential European committee that has compared the current situation of mobiles and WiFi to previous experiences of tobacco and asbestos.


New drug advances the fight against pancreatic cancer

A new drug combination can help patients with pancreatic cancer live months longer than on standard therapy.


Study: 1 in 7 strokes occur while sleeping

One in seven strokes happens at night, and sufferers may not get medicine that could prevent brain damage, suggests a new study.


U.S. on track for most measles cases in a decade

U.S. on track for most measles cases in a decade

The United States seems to be on track to have more measles cases than any year in more than a decade, with virtually all cases linked to other countries, including Europe where there's a big outbreak.


Caesarean sections are a major factor in pregnancy-related deaths, report finds

Caesarean sections are a major factor in pregnancy-related deaths, report finds

Deaths from pregnancy-related causes, which usually occur around the time of childbirth, have risen dramatically in the United States in the last decade. In a report released Tuesday, a committee investigating such deaths in California cited an increase in caesarean-section births as a major contributor to the disturbing trend.


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